Friday, December 17, 2010

Mastubation , How To Solve With Homeopathy ?

Melacap atau mastubasi, Bagaimana menyelesaikannya melalui kaedah Homeopathy

Some useful homeopathic remedies for masturbation:

Conium: Bad effect of masturbation

Caladium : Weakness of penis after masturbation. Better masturbation than beautiful wife. This remey is good fro taking away the habit of masturbation. Penis become relaxed ( Zakar mengecil dan kurang ereksi )

Origanum M
: Disposition to masturbation. Spermatorrhoea with erotic fancies and amorous dreams ( Suka masturbasi dan selalu keluar air mani atau air mazi. Selalu khayal tentang seks dan mimpi melakukan seks )

: Irresistible tendency to masturbation . ( Suka khayal dan mastubasi yang berlebihan )

Staphisagria: Habit of masturbation in children and in marriage life - penis become feeble erection - less erection, penis become soft and less desire.

Nyamphomania - Strong sexula desire in ladies

Nymphomania can be treated with homeopathic meddication: Some of the good homeopathic remedies are Sepia, kali PHos., Cantharis, Nux Vomica., Phos and Acid Phos.

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