Some selected News For Cancer
from Homeopathic Book
"Cancer, its causes, symptoms and Treatment"
Giving the results of over fourty Years Experiance in Medical Treatment of this Disease"
By Eli G Jones, MD (USA)
A Homeopath is US
I have been urged by mu medical friends to write a book on cancer. It seemed them that a physician, who has had such a vast experience in the medical treatment of this fearful malady, should leave behind him a record of his work for the benefit of future generations.
The medical treatment of cancer, in all its forms, is a speciality as much as 'surgery', the 'eye and ear' or 'gynaecology', and a doctor must prepare himself for such work in the same manner that he would for any special line of work in his proffesion.
The treatment of cancer requires more skill than any other disease with whicth we are ecquainted. Cancer is a 'forman worthy of any man's steel'. Any physician who is afraid of it will never succeed in curing the disease. There are doctors who are called specialists in cancer, who are only able to diagnose a case of cancer now and then, and suggest an operation of give a gloomy prognosis. A true specialist of any disease, or region, must be a man who cannot only diagnose the difficulty when he see it, but also be able to treat it successfully by medicine.
It is too long to copy all the case history of treatment done by Dr Jone. Just to mention few homeopathic remedies suggested.
Cancer of Stomach: Causticum is the remedy needed in cancer of the stomach, when the flesh is very tender over the organ, the patient cannot bear even the clothing to touch it.
Tomour of Breast: Calc Flour. When there are nodular, hard, knotty lumps in the brest this remedy is needed. Prescribe 6x triruration Calc Fl, three tablet tid.