Visual results of the blood before and after one 25 minute treatment. The red blood cells can be seen to have significantly less clumping and flow freely.

Untuk mempercepatkan Proses Rawatan
Buah Pinggang, Tekanan darah Tinggi, kencing Manis,
Allergik dan lain-lain
Terapy laser ala akupunktur - tiada kesan sampingan, tiada racun
Amat mudah digunakan, selamat dan Efektif.
Radiant Life Therapy Laser Dr Nik Omar
Design For Minimum Intrusion
Worn it on one side of the nose
By Greatcore Inc USA

RadiantLife LT is a portable laser device that promotes and maintains a healthy blood transportation system in the body by applying laser light energy to the rich vascular capillary bed in the nose through a specially designed applicator. This benefits the whole body by means of its own blood circulatory system with reduced blood aggregration and improved viscosity.
...I have used RadiantLife LT for over 6 months on a daily basis primarily to try and address my sinus problems. I now find that my sinus allergies have been noticeably reduced, and for the immediate few hours after usage my breathing is free and clear. An unexpected side benefit appears to be a reduction in my blood pressure which has been at 130/90 for the last 30 years. For no other reason that I can think of, my current blood pressure reading is 120/80!..
I have been using the nose clip almost every day since I got the go-ahead from my doctor ......... I do notice an improvement; definitely in sinus ( I was getting congested every day), somewhat in energy and tiredness. I can stay up past 10:00 again!!
I was skeptical at first, but was amazed when I saw my blood samples under a microscope before and after a single treatment session ......... have used it for 5 months now, and my doctor was surprised to see my blood pressure return to normal so quickly
Dapatkan produk ini di Pusat Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar di KL, Bangi, Damansara, Pasir Mas atau tel; 019 9401915
Buy One Unit For Your Mother or Father at Home
You Just pay, we will sent the laser direct to your parent's address.
Hadiahlah satu unit kepada Orang tersayang