Friday, December 4, 2009


Some good Homeopathic Medication for ladies problems:

Pain during period ( Dysmenorrhoea / Endometrosis )

Actea Racemosa: Pain during and before menses. menses irregular, too soon or too late. Act Race is one of the best homeopathic medication for such problem. The more the flow the greater the pain. The patient is nervous, restless and melancholic. Prolapse of uterus, soreness of uterus and ovarian region.

Acid Nitric: Painful menses with constant urging to urinate.

Chamomilla: Violent colic consequent on profuse and painful menses, labor like pain on side with diarrhoea.

menses too late, too scanty and of short duration with hhaemorrhoidal pains, nose bleed, bloody stools, constipation, leucorrhoea and toothache.

Rawatan Homeopathy Untuk Wanita:

Ubat-ubat homeopati memang amat sesuai untuk sebarang penyakit wanita. Diantara penyakit yang respon dengan ubat homeopati ialah; Masalah Sakit bulanan atau senguggut / endometrosis, datang bulan lewat, datang bulan berpanjangan atau haid berpanjangan, keputihan atau leucorrhoea, haid tidak teratur, tidak datang haid atau absent of period.
Masalah kemurungan, sedih, pilu, sayu, tekanan jiwa dikalangan remaja, masalah anak gadis yang suka memberontak. semua gejala ini boleh dirawat dengan homeopathy.

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