Monday, December 27, 2010

Kereta Sonata Sporty - Milik Siapa Kah Kereta Ini.....

You Can See This New Sonata 2011 Model Soon...


More shots of the 2010 Hyundai Sonata have hit the internet before its official launch in South Korea.

The all-new Sonata ditches its conservative styling for a more curvaceous body with a longer nose and coupe-like roofline. Hyundai claims that the all-new Sonata expresses Hyundai's "fluidic sculpture" design language.

Stay tuned for the official launch in Korea on Sept 10th. The US should receive the new Sonata sometime next year as a 2011 model.

Related Stories:
Spy Shots: 2011 Hyundai Sonata Caught at a Photo Shoot?


Hyundai Motor Begins to Take Pre-launch Orders for YF (Sonata)

(Sept. 1, 2009) Hyundai Motor Company is ready to start taking orders tomorrow for its all-new Sonata, codenamed YF, ahead of the car's official launch Sept 10th in the Korea domestic market. In replacing the NF Sonata which was launched in Sept. 2004, Hyundai decided to retain the Sonata name as the mid-size car has been Korea's perennial best-seller.

The new Sonata is fitted with a 6-speed automatic transmission and delivers gratifying performance through its 2-liter Theta II gasoline engine. Delivering 12.8 kilometers per liter, it achieves the highest fuel economy in its segment. In addition, safety has been upgraded with Vehicle Dynamic Control now supplied as a standard feature.

*VDC : Improves the safety of a vehicle's stability by detecting and minimizing skids.

The overall comfort has been enhanced through a variety of new technologies and premium specifications such as a panoramic sunroof, gear shift paddles attached to the steering wheel, and a push-button starting system.

The rendering preview features coupe like body style and exudes a dynamic image. The front side communicates an image of strength through a wide radiator grill and sharp-edged headlamp.

The flowing coupe-like lines of the new Sonata eloquently express Hyundai's "fluidic sculpture" design language, a new design direction that will play a pivotal role in enhancing the brand. Hyundai is confident that the new Sonata, equipped with the company's latest technologies, will continue the long string of successes earned by Sonata over the years.

Since the launch of the very first generation Sonata in October 1985 in Korea, 4.45 million units of Sonata have been sold worldwide. In 2004, Sonata earned the highest ranking in J.D. Power's Initial Quality Survey in the Entry Midsize Car category.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Apa Pendapat Homeopathy Tetang Penyakit Barah Buah Dada

Barah Buah Dada / Barah Payu Dara
Breast Cancer

Mengikut perubatan biasa barah buah dada boleh dibedah dengan selamat mengikut kata doktor allopati. Tatapi jika barah sudah tahap 3 atau 4. Pembedahan mungkin tidak boleh dilakukan lagi.

Megikut cara homeopati baraha buah dada boleh diubati diperingat awal. Ubat-ubat seperti Thuja, Conium, Carbo A., Kreosote adalah beberap remedy homeopati yang amat berkesan untuk merawat kes-kes barah, khususnya barah buah dada.

Problem of Infertility - Masalah Kesuburan - Kemandulan

Infertility Causes and Risk Factors
What is Infertility?
Causes and Risk Factors

Causes of infertility
There are many potential causes for infertility or reproductive problems. Chronic illnesses, as well as their treatments, can lead to fertility problems. Illnesses like diabetes and hypothyroidism can cause fertility problems. Insulin, antidepressants, and thyroid hormones may lead to irregular menstrual cycles, for example. Or medication used to treat peptic ulcers or hypertension can cause male factor infertility, including problems with sperm production or their ability to fertilize the egg. Furthermore, cancer treatments can lead to fertility problems, especially radiation therapy near the reproductive organs. Finally, STDs might cause infertility. Some sexually transmitted diseases can block the fallopian tubes, making pregnancy either impossible or putting a woman at risk for ectopic pregnancy.

Causes of infertility in women
Most cases of infertility in women arise from problems with ovulation. Without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilized. Irregular or absent menstrual periods are some signs that a woman is not ovulating normally. For example, birth control pills might temporarily alter female sex hormone production, which can take some time to restore after a woman stops birth control pills. This problem is usually temporary, but might take longer than the woman wants. Less common causes of fertility problems in women include:

* blocked fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery for an ectopic pregnancy
* physical problems with the uterus
* uterine fibroids

Causes of infertility in men
Sometimes a man is born with problems affecting his sperm. Other times problems arise due to illness or injury. For example, cystic fibrosis frequently causes infertility in men. Infertility in men is most often caused by:

* problems making sperm -- producing too few sperm or none at all
* problems with the sperm's ability to reach the egg and fertilize it -- abnormal sperm shape or structure prevent it from moving correctly

Risk factors

Women - many things can affect a woman's ability to become pregnant or give birth. These include:

* age
* alcohol
* athletic training
* being overweight or underweight
* health problems that cause hormonal changes
* medications
* poor diet
* sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
* stress
* tobacco smoking

Men - overall health and lifestyle can affect the number and quality of a man's sperm. Some things that may reduce sperm number and/or quality include:

* age
* alcohol
* cancer radiation treatment and chemotherapy
* drugs
* environmental toxins, including pesticides and lead
* health problems
* medicines
* smoking cigarettes

The embryo must be healthy and the woman's hormonal environment adequate for its development for the pregnancy to continue to full term. Infertility can result when any one of these factors is impaired. But what are the symptoms of possible infertility? And how long should a couple try to conceive before seeking medical help? To learn more about symptoms of infertility and reproduction disorders, continue reading our next section on Symptoms of Infertility now.

Bacaan Lanjut
Dalam Bahasa melayu boleh didapati dalam

Sperm Production - Bagaimana Sperma di Hasilkan

Sexual education
Pendidikan Seks


What are sperm?

Sperm are the male reproductive cells. In order to produce a child, the genetic material from the sperm must combine with the genetic material from an egg, in a process called fertilisation.

Healthy, fully developed sperm are very small (0.05 millimetres long) and cannot be seen by the human eye. These mature sperm are highly specialised cells and are made up of three parts: a head, neck and tail. In the head is a structure called the nucleus, which contains 23 tightly packed chromosomes (genetic material). The head is designed to stick to and then enter (penetrate) the egg. The neck joins the head to the tail. The part of the tail nearest the neck contains the mitochondria, which provides the energy for the sperm to move. The tail moves in a whipping motion to push the sperm towards the egg.

A man’s fertility and sexual characteristics depend on the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.

Where are sperm made?

The male reproductive tract is made up of the testes, a system of ducts (tubes) and other glands opening into the ducts. The testes (testis, singular) are a pair of egg-shaped (ovoid) glands (each 15 to 35 ml in volume) that are suspended in the scrotum. The testes are needed for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system. The testes have two related but separate roles:

* Production of sperm.
* Production of the male sex hormone, testosterone.

Before birth, the developing testes move down from the abdomen into the scrotum. Successful descent of the testes is important for fertility as a cooler temperature in the scrotum is needed for sperm production and normal testicular function. In humans, this location seems important by keeping the testes between 3 to 5oC below normal body temperature.

Sperm are made in the testes, in a number of small, tightly packed, fine tubes called seminiferous tubules. These tubules have a total length of 150 metres. Between the seminiferous tubules lie another cell type, Leydig cells, which produce the male sex hormone, testosterone.

How are sperm made?

Sperm production (spermatogenesis) is a lengthy, but continuous, process. Sperm are at different stages of their development in the testis. Within one testis, some sperm are at early stages and others are at later stages of development. It takes about 70 days for germ cells (precursors of sperm) to develop into the mature sperm found in semen that can fertilise an egg.

In the testes, cells in the lining of the seminiferous tubules divide over and over again to produce sperm. The process of sperm production starts with the earliest germ cell, called a spermatogonium (precursor of sperm). These cells divide and pass through many stages as they divide, including a major change in shape, from a round cell to the familiar ‘tadpole-like’ sperm structure. At this stage, sperm are released from the lining of the sperm-producing tubes and pass out of the testes into the epididymis.

Where are sperm transported?

Leading from each testis is a long, highly-coiled tube called the epididymis that lies at the back of the testes. The epididymis connects the seminiferous tubules to another single tube called the vas deferens.

When released from the testis, the sperm spend two to 10 days passing through the epididymis. During this journey, the sperm mature and gain the ability to move (swim or become motile).

When ejaculation starts, sperm are transported from the tail of the epididymis, via the vas deferens, to the urethra in the penis. As sperm pass through the different tubes, fluid from the seminal vesicles, Cowper’s and prostate glands is added to the sperm. The mixture is then called semen. Over 90% of the semen is produced from the prostate and seminal vesicles and not from the testis.
How do hormones control sperm production?

Hormones from the pituitary, a small gland at the base of the brain, control the testes. The pituitary gland releases both luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) into the bloodstream. These hormones act as “keys” that turn on the testes.

The levels of FSH and LH in the blood rise during the early stages of puberty, which make it possible for the testes to grow and mature. With the help of LH, the Leydig cells in the testis make the male sex hormone, testosterone. Testosterone is responsible for the general growth that occurs in young boys at puberty including development of the genitals, beard and body hair and other characteristics of the adult male.

Together with testosterone, FSH from the pituitary gland acts on the seminiferous tubules in the testes to stimulate the production of sperm.

How are sperm ejaculated?

At the start of ejaculation, waves of muscle contractions transport the sperm, with a small amount of fluid, from the epididymis through to the vas deferens.

At the back of the bladder, the vas deferens becomes the ejaculatory ducts, which pass through the prostate gland (prostatic urethra) and into the urinary tract (penile urethra). The prostate gland produces fluid that mixes with the sperm in the prostatic urethra. Extra fluid from the seminal vesicles enters the urethra via the ejaculatory duct. The passage of fluid along the urethra is further helped by the lubricating fluid made by the Cowper’s glands. This mixture of fluid from the testes and other accessory glands, travels along the urethra to the tip of the penis where it is discharged (ejaculated) at the time of sexual climax (orgasm).
What is semen or seminal fluid?

Sperm, suspended in semen (seminal fluid), are ejaculated from the penis. Semen is the mixture of fluids from the different organs of the male reproductive tract. About 90 per cent of the ejaculated semen comes from the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. Only a small amount of fluid, which also contains the sperm, comes from the epididymis.

During ejaculation, usually the sperm and the prostatic fluid come out first and the seminal vesicle fluid follows.

How many sperm are needed to achieve pregnancy?

The ejaculate of fertile men contains tens of millions of sperm. However, men with much lower numbers of sperm can still achieve pregnancies. Men who never produce any sperm in their ejaculate are sterile and cannot help a partner become pregnant without some form of treatment.

Anatomy & Physilogy of Penis

The Cross-section of penis

Which is why various aids can help or not.

The penis is composed of three different regions: a pair of parallel spongy columns called the corpa cavernosum and the central corpa spongiosum, which contains the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the body).

All three regions are made up of erectile tissue. Erectile tissue is rich in tiny pool-shaped blood vessels called cavernous sinuses, which are surrounded by smooth muscles and supported by elastic fibrous tissue.

The natural erection is prompted by the corpa cavernosa nerves (also known as cavernous nerves) which come to the penis from the prostate gland. Removal of the gland without sparing the nerves breaks the neural connection. The tissue cannot relax, allowing blood to flow in.

In the flaccid, or unerect, normal penis, the small arteries leading to the cavernous sinuses contract, reducing the inflow of blood. The smooth muscles regulating the many tiny blood vessels within the penis also contract.

When a man becomes aroused, his central nervous system stimulates the release of a number of chemicals that relax the smooth muscles in the penis, allowing blood to flow into the tiny pool-like sinuses and flood the penis.

The spongy chambers almost double in diameter due to the increase in blood flow. The veins surrounding the corpa cavernosum and corpus spongiosum are squeezed almost completely shut by the pressure of the erectile tissue; they are unable to drain blood out of the penis, causing it to become rigid.

TVS - Tv Selangor Shah Alam

Shah Alam: Today Dr Nik Omar was invited by TV Selangor to give a talk on

Homeopathy & Infertility.

Hari ini Dr Nik Omar menjadi tetamu di TV Selangor.
Tajuk ceramah: Perubatan Alternatif di Malaysia.

Rawatan Mendapat Anak cara Homeopathy

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dr D P Rastogi passes Away

Dr Nik Omar (blue coat) and Dr Rastogi at Belgium in year 2008

Dear Dr Nik Omar

This is just to inform you that:

Dr. D. P. Rastogi Passes Away

New Delhi.DEC.15:Dr.D.P.Rastogi , the Homoeopathic legend , former Director ,Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy passes away following cardiac arrest to day morning at his residence at 9-30am He lived with his wife ,one son and two daughters . He was born on 8th July 1939. His address: E1/G7 Alaknanda Shopping Complex, Alaknanda, New Delhi -110019, INDIA

Contact number: +91- 9810086699


Dr Rastogi was a versatile personality. He was a great teacher, canvasser, investigator, clinician & physician, policy influencer and above all a great and inquisitive homoeopath. He has been founder and crusader of many Homoeopathic activities and institution. His sad demise has created a great void in the Indian and International Homoeopathic galaxy. His clinical acumen and treasured knowledge of practical use of Repertory & Materia Medica may not be readily available now in person to all curious young as well experienced homeopaths and his ailing patients.

Let the bereaved family and his students be given strength by almighty to bear this loss. May the departed soul rest in peace.


Dr. Shivang Swaminarayan

General Secretary

Homoeopathic Medical Association of India

Ahmedabad Unit, Gujarat Branch

Dr Rastogi is a great friend of Dr Nik Omar, we met almost at all International Homeopathic Conference . The last we met on 13 -14 Nov 2010 at 19th AHML Congress at New Delhi, India.

It is a great lost to homeopathic Community -
I wish to share my condolence with his family and friends. May his soul rest in peace and happiness.

Thank You - from Dr Nik Omar
International Homeopathic Medical League - LMHI
For Malaysia

Friday, December 17, 2010

Genital Warts

Ketuat Kelamin

Homeopathy offer wide range of homeopathic medication for Genital wart

Thuja is top list
follow up by Ant Crud , Merc., Cimicifuga., Tuberculinum., cauticum, Dulcamara

Staphagria : Wart or geniyal warts with condylomata, fig wart and aculiflower like excrescenses.

Ledum, Dioscorea, Hepar Sulph. Sulph are also very useful

Homeopathic Medicine For Snoring

Snoring [ Berdengkur ]

Lemna Minor is meant for snoring due to obstruction in the nose. Enlargement of nasal bones

Hippozaenium: Snoring with swelling and redness of the nose. Siusitis

Pulsatilla: Snoring with convulsion

Aconite: Snoring due to Sinusitis, rhinitis or block nose.

nux Vomica: Snoring with headache

calc carb: Snoring in fat people - due to obesity

Problem of Penis [ Masalah Zakar ]

Penis - Zakar

Burning [ Panas ] - Kreosote, Mang Phos., Apis, Parcira

Cold [ Dingin ] - Agnus cactus., Lyco.

Become Smaller in Size
( Pengecutan Zakar ) - Ingatia, Clac carb., Yohim.

Painful urination:
( Sakit kencing ) - cantharis., aconite., Nux Vom

Painful during intercourse
( sakit waktu setubuh atau selepas setubuh )
Ac Phos., seln., Cnathris., Agnus cactus.

Herpers genitalis ( kayap kelamin ): Merc. , Tuberculinum., Syhpillinum, Medorrinum

After effect of gonorrhoea:
( Kesan dari terkena jangkitan kuman gonorea )

thuja., Merc., Cucuba., Cimicifuga., Aconite.

Painful erection at night
( Sakit bila zakar tegang )
Capsicum., Hepar Sulp., Sulph.

Erection stop during penetration
( zakar mengecut bila ingin masuk kedalam vagina)

Erection Ok with other girls but problem with wife
( Zakat tidak tegang bila dengan isteri tetapi tegang dengan perempuan lain)

ignatia., Kali Phos., Thuja, Damiana.

Ignatia., Kali Phs., Nux Vom., Ac Phos.

Mastubation , How To Solve With Homeopathy ?

Melacap atau mastubasi, Bagaimana menyelesaikannya melalui kaedah Homeopathy

Some useful homeopathic remedies for masturbation:

Conium: Bad effect of masturbation

Caladium : Weakness of penis after masturbation. Better masturbation than beautiful wife. This remey is good fro taking away the habit of masturbation. Penis become relaxed ( Zakar mengecil dan kurang ereksi )

Origanum M
: Disposition to masturbation. Spermatorrhoea with erotic fancies and amorous dreams ( Suka masturbasi dan selalu keluar air mani atau air mazi. Selalu khayal tentang seks dan mimpi melakukan seks )

: Irresistible tendency to masturbation . ( Suka khayal dan mastubasi yang berlebihan )

Staphisagria: Habit of masturbation in children and in marriage life - penis become feeble erection - less erection, penis become soft and less desire.

Nyamphomania - Strong sexula desire in ladies

Nymphomania can be treated with homeopathic meddication: Some of the good homeopathic remedies are Sepia, kali PHos., Cantharis, Nux Vomica., Phos and Acid Phos.

Probem in Men - Male Disorder - Impotency


There are few homeopathic remedies for azoospermia in homeopathic materia medica. Azoospermia where there is no live sperm or absence or diseased condition of spermatoza in the semen .

Damiana is an excellent remedy for impotency due to excess of masturbation during childhood.

Chinnimun Sulph spermatoza with suppression of dimunition of sexual desire.

Conium No live sperm accompanied with impotency. Insufficient erection ( zakar kurang tegang) Having desire but no energy.

: Violent sexual desire but no erection , cannot penetrate into vagina

Graphite: Aversion to coition but with impotency ( Teringin sangat untuk buat hubungan kelamin tapi tidak ada ereksi atau ketegangan )

Natrum carb: Great tendency to perspire after coition ( letih selepas bersama atau bersetubh)

Titanium: Sexual weakness with too early ejaculation ( lemah tenaga batin dan cepat pancut atau pancutan pra masa )

Ac Phos: Sudden relaxation of penis - sudden lost of erection ( zakar tegang tapi tidak kuat, bila ingin memasukkan zakar kedalam faraj, zakar menjadi lembek )

Barta carb: Falling asleep during coition ( tertidur sewaktu bersama - amat malang !! )

: Convulsion during coition ( menyintak sewaktu bersetubuh )

Merc Cor: Painful spasm of rectum after coition ( sakit dubur selepas setubuh )

Selalu ingin melacap atau mastubation.

Ignatia: Lebih suka melacap atau mastubasi dari persetubuhan dengan bini

Bio- data Dr Nik Omar, Homeopathic Specialist in Malaysia

( Dr Nik and wife Norlidawani Riding Harley Davidson at Japan 2010 )

Prof Nik Omar bin Nik Daud
Homeopathic Specialist
Nik Omar Homeopathic Centre [ Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia ]
122 Taman University, Kg Gelang Mas,
Bunut Susu, 17010 Pasir Mas, Kelantan

019 9401915
Fax 09-7976942
Web :



Klinik Dr Nik OmarHomeopathy

* Bangi – No. 1-1, Jalan 9/9C, Pusat Bandar Baru, Bangi, Selangor.
Tel: 019-9401915·
* Kuala Lumpur – 118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur Tel : 019-9401915·
* Pasir Mas, Kelantan: No.122 Taman University, Kg Gelang Mas, Meranti, Pasir Mas, Kelantan.· Tel: 019-9401915

DHMS (Pakistan), DBM (Lahore)., BHMS (FAHOM)., MD (Homeopathy)., HPA (London)., MRHS ( UK)., Ph.D ( India)., FFHom (M’sia), Dip. Ac ( Kel)., Cert. Cupping, M.Ac (Beijing)., M.Ac.F ( Colombo)., M.Ac ( Spain).


* Sekolah Kebg Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu
* Sultan Ismail College, Kota Bharu, Kelantan
* St Xavier's Instituion, Penang
* Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College & Trust Hospital (1970-1975)
* University College London, School of Chiropody, London 1975

Homeopathic & Acupuncture SpecialistDirector of Faculty of Homeopathy MalaysiaSpecialization in Infertility in Homeopathy


- Doing Research in Homeopathic and Infertility since 1975 - 2010

* First 5 years 1975 – 1980 using Technique ATOM Infertility-
* Second 5 years 1981 – 1990 – Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility HTI P3-
* 1991- 2008 Homeopathic Natural Approach For Infertility – HTI p2000
* From 1995 - 20051. Research on Asthma among Children in Malaysia using homeopathic approach – Result Great Success in Treating Asthma With Homeopathic Medication
* From 1992 – 2008. Doing research works on Classical Chinese Medicine – Acupuncture especially ‘Pain Relief Without Drugs.
* Research done on Alternative Medicine – Acupuncture Pain Relief with Galeri Perdana TV13.
* Research on Infertility with TV2 –
* Rancangan NONA. Research done on Cupping Al Hijamah in collaboration with TV3 2008.
* Research on Chinese Acupuncture in collaboration with China Beijing Asian Program from China.


* 1977 – 1980 Teaching Homeopathic to student at Kuala Lumpur
* 1979 – 2008 Teaching Homeopathic to more than 1000 student from all over the world
* 1981- 2008 Teaching Classical Acupuncture to more than 1000 student from more than 30 countries.
* 1982 – 2008 Teaching Cupping Al Hijamah ( Bekam) to more than 300 student from all over the world.

Articles & Publication from 1975 - 2008 Prof Dr Nik Omar has written more than 300 Articles In Oversea & Local Journal & Magazines

On Homeopathy Medicine [ Sebahagian Rencana & Tulisan Dr Nik Omar

1. Apa kata pakar? – Maj HAWA May 1993
2. Keputihan – Lendir yang menyeksakan – Maj HAWA Feb 1994
3. Doktor homeopati berkhidmat tanpa batasan – Maj. Wawancara Okt 1999
4. Dr Mohd Nasir atasi masalah wanita – Maj. Wawancara Nov 1999.
5. Rawatan bayi dengan ubat-ubat Homeopati – Maj Ibubapa, March 1999.
6. Homeopati – Kaedah perubatan yang belum dikenali – Maj Keluarga May 1996
7. Gastrik – Gejala yang boleh diubati – Maj Keluarga Jun 1996.
8. Homeopati kaedah perubatan berseni – Maj Dewan Siswa Okt 1991
9. Bantuan Percuma Doktor Tanpa Batasan – Maj NONA Jun 1992
10. Aids dari sudut pangan system perubatan Homeopati – Maj Perempuan April 1992 MRHP hadiri kongres di Sri Lanka – Maj NONA Jun 1992
11. Bantuan Percuma Doktor Tanpa Batasan – Maj NONA Jun 1992
12. Isteri dijengah dingin bila suami jahil seks – Maj Hawa Mei 1993
13. Jangan bimbang jika payudara ke
14. Kelemumur Perlu Rawatan - Pentas Dunia 7 Nov 1993
15. Kongress Homeopathy Di Kota Bharu Berjaya -Pentas Dunia Nov 1993
16. Deman Dinggi Boleh Membunuh -Pentas Dunia 31 okt 1993
17. Pembersihan Rahim Melalui D & C -Pentas Dunia 24 Okt 1993
18. Gatal Kulit Perlu Raewatn Segera -Pentas Dunia 17 Okt 1993
19. Lupus atau SLE -Pentas Dunia 10 Okt 1993
20. Penjagaan Mulut dan Gigi Perlu Perhatian Utama -PD 3 Okt 1993
21. Muntah Biukan Satu Penyakit -PD 26 sept 1993
22. Sakit Buah Pinggang- PD 19 Sept 1993
23. Berdengkur Boleh Merbahayakan -PD 12 Sept 1993
24. Tekanan Jiwa Satu Penyakit Keturunan- 5/9/93
25. Senggugut Sakit Bulanan Yang Menyiksakan -PD 15 Ogos 1993
26. Katarct boleh diSembuhkan - PD 5/9/1993
27. Sakit Kepala Jangan DiBiarkan Berterusan -PD 22 Ogos 1993
28. Resdung Berbau Busuk PD 22/8/93
29. Darah Tinggi Tetapi Tidak Sakit - PD 15/8/93
30. Sesak Nafas Diserang Angin Pasang -PD 8 Ogos 1993
31. Air Sperma Mudah Tumpah PD 8 Ogos 1993
32. Mencegah Penyakit Hati - PD 1 ogos 1993cil – Maj Nona Nov 1993
34. Radang hati boleh membawa maut – Maj Pentas Dunia 1994
35. Virus resdung cepat berjangkit – Maj Perempuan Feb 1996
36. Siflis – Maj. Perempuan April 1996
37. HEPATITIS Boleh di Sembuhkan- Maj Wawasan Ummah July 2000 Refer
38. MRHP hadiri kongres di Sri Lanka – Maj NONA Jun 1992
39. Bantuan Percuma Doktor Tanpa Batasan – Maj NONA Jun 1992
40. Isteri dijengah dingin bila suami jahil seks – Maj Hawa Mei 1993
41. Merawat Batu Karang secara Homeopathy - Dewan Masyarakat
42. Kaedah perubatan alternatif - Maj MASSA March 1999
43. Merawat barah buah dada dengan Homeopati – Maj RAWAT Jun 2000
44. Lelaki minggu ini “Tugas saya semakin mudah” – Maj WANITA March 1999
45. Wanita kini berterus terang tentang penyakit – Maj Wanita March 1999
46. Perbezaan antara perubatan Homeopati & Allopathy – Maj BICARA Sept 2003
47. Penyakit kanser dan rawatan Homeopathy- Maj Wawancara Sept 2003 Refer
48. Tokoh Homeopathy Malaysia H/Dr Hajjah Che Zaharah bt. Hj Loman – Maj Homeopathy 2006 Refer
49. Strok – Mampukah perubatan Homeopati menyembuhkannya?- maj Intisari Jun 2003
50. Kaedah baru dalam Homeopati – Gula berubat untuk pesakit – Maj Wawacara May2000
51. Penyakit-penyakit aneh yang disembuhkan melalui rawatan Homeopati – Maj Intisari Januari 2000
52. Konference Perubatan Komplementari terbesar di Malaysia (Apac 2000)- Maj Intisari April 2000
53. Motosikal kuasa tinggi menjadi hobi keluarga Dr. Nik Omar – Maj Intisari Okt 1999
54. Homeopati kaedah perubatan berseni – Maj Dewan Siswa Okt 1991
55. Keupayaan penyembuhan oleh Homeopathy – Maj Intisari Des 2002
56. Perubatan Homeopati Malaysia mendapat perhatian dunia – Maj Intisari July 2001
57. Tokoh-tokoh perubatan Homeopati di Malaysia – Maj Intisari Mei 2002
58. Persidangan Perubatan Alternatif terbesar di Asia – Maj Intisari Sept 2002 Refer
59. Nik Omar selalu jadi orang pertama – Maj Sensasi Ogos 2004
60. Homeopati untuk muslimah – Maj Muslimah Jun 1997
61. Contribution of Homeopathy in Psychiatric treatment 2nd AHML Conference at Kuala Lumpur 1989
62. Resdung perlukan rawatan berterusan - 1999
63. Jangan bimbang jika payudara kecil – Maj Nona Nov 1993
64. Rawatan Homeopati – Taun @ Kolera boleh membunuh – maj Tempo Jun 1996
65. Tokoh Homeopati Malaysia Prof Dr Mat Zin Abd RAhman- Majalah Homeopathy FAHOM
66. Penyakit Kulit Dan RAwatan Homeopati – maj Intisari Jan 2003
67. On Homeopathic Infertility [ Mandul & Rawatan Homeopati ]
68. Mengatasi mandul dengan rawatan Homeopati - emosi salah satu punca –maj Emosi Ogos 1999
69. Lelaki mandul rawatan cara Homeopati – Maj Ibubapa Jul 1999
70. Kurang subur, bukannya mandul – Maj Keluarga Jul 1996
71. Penemuan baru pakar-pakar teknik Homeopati rawat mandul – Maj Perempuan Jan 1993 Refer
72. Kemandulan mengikut kaedah HTI P3 – Homeopati- Maj Perempuan Dis 1993 - Refer
73. Mandul Penyelesaian mengikut cara Homeopati – Maj Perempuan Ogos 1995
74. Kurang faham ilmu berkelamin punca kemandulan – Maj Muslimah Feb 1993
75. Perkahwinan tanpa zuriat – Maj sihat Jul-Ogos 1993
76. Dapatkan zuriat melalui rawatan Homeopathy – Maj Emosi Sept 2003
77. Topik : Alat kelamin – Maj Infertility53. Kenapa lelaki mandul? – Maj Sensasi Nov 2003
78. Masalah-masalah penyakit pada faraj – Maj Intisari Mac 2002
79. Benarkah mandul boleh dirawat melalui Homeopati? – Maj Intisari Apr 1999
80. Mandul dan rawatan Homeopati – Maj Pentas Dunia Apr 2001
81. On Acupuncture Medicines [Akupunktur Klassik ]
82. Keajaiban penyembuhan resdung melalui tusukan akupunktur di telinga – Maj Intisari Ogos 2000 Refer
83. Akupunktur makin popular – Maj Wawancara Apr 1999
84. Mampukah Akupunktur merawat keletihan? – Maj Wawancara Jun 1999
85. Rahsia perubatan akupunktur China – Maj Rawat Jun 2000 Refer
86. Perubatan akupunktur China semakin mendapat tempat di kalangan orang-orang melayu – Maj Wawancara Jul 2003
87. Penyembuhan ajaib dengan satu jarum – Maj Intisari Jun 93. Refer
88. Sebagai usaha pelbagaikan perubatan alternatif Melayu pelopori Akupunktur – Maj Wawancara Jun 2000
89. Akupunktur pulihkan nafsu seksual yang lemah – Maj Wanita Sept 1999 Refer
90. Tokoh Homeopathy Malaysia Nik Badrul Hakim –
91. Topic On Sexs & Homeopathy [ Seks & Rawatan Homeopathy ]
92. Perbandingan tabiat seks lelaki dan wanita – Maj Bicara Nov 1999.
93. Kenapa mati pucuk? – Maj Bicara Jan 2004
94. Mengenali sistem pembiakan wanita & rawatan melalui Homeopati – Maj Intisari Ogos 1999
95. Seks Wanita. Apa yang anda ingin tahu….- Maj Intisari Ogos 2002
96. Viagraton untuk lelaki dan wanita lemah tenaga batin – Maj Wawancara Jan 1999
97. Tokoh Homeopathy Malaysia Nik Fairuz Hakim –72.
98. Mahu panjang umur Jangan abai seks – Maj P.Model Feb 2006 Refer
99. Atasi kedinginan suami di ranjang – Maj P.Model Mac 2006
100. Cara atasi mati pucuk – Maj Cermin 1999
101. Seks fetishima gilakan pakaian dalam wanita – Maj Perempuan Okt 1996
102. Inses hubungan seks antara ibu dengan anak – Maj Perempuan Okt 1996 Refer
103. Isteri dijengah dingin bila suami jahil seks – Maj Hawa Mei 1993
104. Hubungan kelamin yang tidak kesampaian Anorgasmia bila suami tidak puas – Maj Hawa Okt 1993
105. Bila isteri dingin seks jangan sampai ia menjadi ‘frigiditi yang kronik’ – Maj Hawa Dis 1993
106. Seks manusia dengan binatang – Maj Wawancara Sept 1999
107. Mengenali penyakit-penyakit seksual – Maj Intisari Julai 2000
108. Jika berlebihan akan merosakkan Mastubasi merintis ke arah gangguan psikologi – Maj Sept 1993
109. Masalah kita – Majalah Sensasi Okt 2004 Refer
110. Tokoh Homeopathy Malaysia Nik Lukman Hakim85. Masalah kita – Maj Sensasi Apr 2005
111. Masalah kita – Maj Sensasi Jan 2005
112. Masalah kita –Maj Sensasi Feb 2005
113. Masalah kita – Maj Sensasi Sept 2005
114. Bekam satu kaedah perubatan – Maj Intisari Jun 2001 Refer
115. Kaedah bersalin di kalangan Wanita purba – Maj Wawancara Jul 1999
116. Wujudkan perubatan cara islam Dr Nik Omar ketagih ilmu –Maj Wawancara Jun 2000
117. Penyakit kronik yang dapat disembuhkan melalui Perubatan Homeopati – Majalah Bicara April 2002
118. Beberapa petunjuk merawat resdung – Maj.Bicara Okt 2000
119. Sejarah Perubatan Homeopati dan Allopati – Maj. Intisari – Feb. 2002 Refer
120. Penyembuhan ajaib – Maj. Intisari Feb 2002
121. Pelik tapi Benar Hamil tetapi hilang – Maj Intisari Apr 2002
122. Jenis-jenis Perubatan Masa Kini – Maj Apr 2002 Refer
123. Klon: Antara fantasi dan realiti - Harakah 17 mac 1977
124. Rawatan Pesakit Homeoseks _Pentas Dunia 14 Mar 1993
125. Homeopathy di India Sembuh AIDS - Pentsa Dunia 18 April 1993
126. Mengapa Tidur Bayi Terganggu - Pentas Dunia 21 Nov.1993
127. Cacing Musuh Yang Dilupai - Pentas Dunia 5 Dis 1993
128. Reflexologi Urut Tapak kai -Pentas Dunia 31 Julai 1994
129. Meditasi -Pentas Dunia 7 Ogos 1994
130. Kongress Homeopathy ke 13 -Pentas Dunia 14 Nov 1994
131. Homeopathy Di Swizerlang 14 Nov 1994
132. Kelemumur Perlu Rawatan - Pentas Dunia 7 Nov 1993
133. Mengenali Meridian Dalam Akupunktur PD 21 July 1994
134. Kaedah Rawatan Akupunktur Teori PD 17 July 1994

Articles written by Other About Dr Nik Omar

1. Homeopathy Hometruth, Story About Dr Nik Omar's Work produced Wings of Goldm Malaysia Airline written by Alison Nadel, a British Reporter Jan. 1996
2. Nik Omar Perjuang Homeopathy -Harian Metro 11 Julai 1991
3. Relief to Shanty Dwellers by Malaysian Medical Team by Carol Aloysius - Daily Shri Lanka OBSERVER 10 feb.,1992
4. Doctors to The Rescue Maly Mail December 9, 1988
5. 2nd Congress of AHML Kuala Lumpur -Homeopathic Magazine Lahore No.4, 1990
6. Homeopathic Doctor Without barrier 1999 Homeopathic Magazines
7. Kaedah Homeopathy Rawat Mandul oleh Utusan Malaysia 1/1/2001
8. Getting a Baby Through natural Method - New strait Times 1.1.2001
9. Dr Nik Omar -Pengembang Homeopathy di malaysia 24 April 1987
10. Spreading Homeopathy Through a College - The Sun, Sunday July 26, 1998
11. Detoxsifikasi cara Semulajadi -Akhbar KOSMO, Jumaat 1 May 2009

Articles Written by Other

* There are more than 200 articles by Dr Nik Omar which are not yet publish in this web. We will update later.
Homeopathy The Holistic Approach of Treatment Patients Natural & Human friendly


* Panduan Pengamalan Homeopathy 1981
* Homeopathic Terapeutik - 1984
* Homeopathy Info 1998
* Barah Buah Dada & Perawatan 1999
* Info & Fax About Homeopathy in Malaysia 2000
* Clinical Acupuncture & Moxibustion , Classical Chinese Medicine 2000
* Homeopathy Perubatan Masa Depan 2002
* Acupuncture Complementary Medicine 2003
* Homeopathy Malaysia past present and Future 2006


* 1987 served at Pakistan Refugee Centre, Pesawar border
* 1979 - 208 Dr Nik has served more than 30 voluntary mission all over Malaysia
* 1987 served in Afganistan with Mujahideen under Medical aid to Afghan
* 1988 served 'Worst Flood in History of Tahiland' at Nakorn Si Thamarat.
* 1990 served at Slum area in Colombo Willata Bridge, Sri Lanka
* 2006 giving free treatment under 'Doctor Without Barrier' at Siem Reap and Phom Phem in Cambodia
* 2006 Dr Nik brought 11 memebrs served at Kuala Muda, Kedah
* 2006 Dr Nik sent 4 members to help Flood victim in Kota Tinggi
* 2007 Indonesia earthquake victim

Further Reading

Education Activities in Alternative Medicine1.

1991 Teaching & Lecture at : Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan 1991
1991 -Visiting Lecturer at : Pakistan Central Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan
1991 – 1995 Visiting lecturer at various Homeopathic Medical Colleges at Pakistan in Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.
1975 – 1977 Honorary Homeopathic Medical Adviser to MARA student in UK
1980 – 1995 Giving lectures & Speaches to various organization in Malaysia on Alternative Medicine especially homeopathy and acupuncture
1985 Lecture at International Homeopathic Congress at Lyon, France.
1990 Lecture at various Homeopathic Colleges at Pakistan.
2006 - Talk on Infertility at International Confernce at Dakka, Bangladesh.
2008 Talk on Homeopathy Malaysia at Executive Meeting of Inetrantional Homeopathic Medical League at Oostense, Belgium
2008 Talk on Infertility at Gujerat Homeopathic Medical College, Lahore
2008 Lecture at Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College, Pakistan
2008 Guest Lecturer at International Medical University -IMU Kuala Lumpur.
* 2009 Guest Lecturer at Ministry of Education, Institut Aminuddin Baki, Genting Highland, Malaysia
* 2010 Guest Speaker at Seminar Usahawan Bumiputera PKNS Selangor.

On TV & Broadcasting

* 2000 - Live telecast as guest speaker on Homeopathy Alternative Medicine on TV Brunei –1998
* Selamat Pagi Brunei7. 1998 – 2008
* Speaks on various topic on Alternative Medicine to TV1, TV2, TV3, TV 9, Astro Oaisis, Radio Asia, TV China. Latest Talk on Homeopathy & Acupuncture as Integrated Medicine TV1 under ‘Galeri Perdana’
* 2008 TV ASTRO OASIS still on air up till now on HalalBio almost every weeks
* 2001 Talk on Radio Brunei 30 days on Fasting and Health
* 2000 Giving talk on Homeopathy to Malaysian Medical Association on Homeopathy Alternative Medicine at Kota Bharu to about 20 members of MMA Kelantan branch.
* 2007 - Talk on Acupuncture & Complementary Medicine TV 9
* 2008 - Radio IKIM on Homeopathy Alternative Medicine
* 2009 - March News at TV1 on Hari Buah Pinggang Se Dunia
* 2009 - April 10 Hahnemann Day - On Air With Bernama TV Channel Astro 502 'Homeopathy & Alternative Medicine'
* 2010 Guest Speaker at Bernama TV on Sexual & Impotence


Seminar, Conference, Congress Organized by Prof Dr Nik Omar

1980 – 29th Sept. First Seminar on Homeopathy at PP Kelantan
1981 – 2- 3 sept - First International Seminar on Homeopathy at Hotel Perdana, Kelantan. Opening by Chief Minister of Kelantan, Dato Mohammed Yaakub
1984, 8 April – 3rd Seminar at Dewan PPK Kelantan. Opening by Tg Ahmad Rithaudeen Ministry of Trade & Industry.
1985, 4-5th Ogos – 4th Seminar at Akademi Islam Nilam Puri, Kelantan.
1987, 30th June – 5th Dewan Nik Abbas, Pembinaan Kenali, Kelantan.
1987, 8th Ogos – 6th Seminar – Hotel Perdana Kota Bharu
1988 , 17 January – 7th Seminar on Homeopathy at Audotrium Muzium Letrik, UTM , Kuala Lumpur
1988, 14 & 15th – 8th Seminar on Homeopathy at Pantai Tujoh, Kelantan
1988, 23 Oct. – 9th Seminar on Homeopathy FAHOM Campus at Chichal, Kelantan.
1989, 25th Sept. – 10th Seminar at Hamid Homeopathic Centre at Johor
1989, 4,5 & 6 Nov. – 11th Seminar on Homeopathy at International Youth Hostel, Kuala Lumpur
1989 , 10th Nov. – 12th Seminar on Homeopathy at Faculty Campus Kelantan
1990, 10 Jan – 13 th Seminar on Homeopathy at Faculty Campus, Kelantan.
1990 , 10th Jun – 14th Seminar on Homeopathy at SK Tun Saadom, Rengit, Johor
1990, 16 Nov – 15th Seminar at Facvulty Campus, Kelantan.
1991, 4th march – 16th Seminar on Homepathy & Paeditric at Pusat Islam, Kuala Lumpur
1991, 9 &10th Nov.- 17th Seminar at Balai Islam Lundang, Kelantan.
1992, 20 sept. – 18th Seminar on Homeopathy at Hutan Lipur, Karak Highway, Kuala Lumpur.
1992, 1st Nov. – 19th Seminar at University Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor.
1993, 2 &3rd Nov. – 20th Congress at Faculty Campus Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
1997, 17 Julty – 21 st Seminar at Faculty Campus opening by Porf Mat Zin
1998, 13, 14 & 15th Sept – 22nd National & 10 th International Conference on Homeopathy & Alternative Medicine at Hotel Perdana, Kelantan
1999, 3rd & 5th August – 23rd National Seminar & 52th World Congress on Complementary Medicine at Hotel Perdana, Kelantan.
2000 ,24th Congress on Homeopathy at Hotel Perdana Kelantan
2002 , 25th Congress on Homeopathy & Acupuncture at Perdana resort, Kota Bharu, Kelantan opening by The Sultan of Kelantan.
2006 , 3 & 4th sept – 3th National Conference on Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine.
2008 -63rd International Homeopathic Medical League Congress at Oostense, Belgium.
28. 2009, 3, 4 & 5th October Dr Nik's Organized the 18th AHML International Conference at genting Highland attended by 350 delegates all over the world.

International Seminar, Conference and Congreses

Attended by Prof Nik

1981 – Ist Interntional Conference on Homeopathy at Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
1985 – Attended 45th LHMI World Congress at Lyon, France
1991 – International Seminar Homeopathic and Drugs Abuse at New Delhi, India
1991 – Wolrd Congress on Homeopathy New approach at Colombo, Sri Lanka
1992 – World Congress Asian Homeopathic Medical League at Lahore, Pakistan.
2002 - International Conference on Complementary Medicine – Hotel Perdana
2005 – International Seminar on First Aid & Homeopathy at Agra, India
2006 – International Congress on Homeopathy by Asian Homeopathic Medical League at Dacca, Bangladesh
2006 International Congress on Homeopathy & Alternative Medicine at Genting Highland, Malaysia
2007 - World Congress on Homeopathy at Singapore.
2008, 2, 3, 4th April – 18th International Conference on Homeopathy by Asian Homeopathic Medical League –AHML Pakistan
2008, 20 – 25th May – 63rd World Congress on Homeopathy by International Homeopathic Medical League at Oostense, Belgium
13. 2009 Attended 64th LHMI International Congress at Warsaw, Poland
14. 2009 attended the 18th AHML Conference at Genting Highland, Malaysia

15. 2010 , 13 -14 Nov, attended the 19th AHML International Conference at New Delhi, India

Out Standing Awards
Prof Dr Nik Omar has received various awards –national & internationally for his humanitarian works in various places for the last 30 years in service.

Khidmat Cermelang by FAHOM– 1988 ( Services at Afghanistan )
Khimat Cemerlang by MRHP – 1989 ( Services at Thailand )
Certificate of Appreciation by National University of E Homeopathy Islamabad – 2004
Appointment Member Board of Juvenile Court Bachok 1980
Board of Visitor Govt General Hospital Kota Bharu 1981
Ph.D from World Parliament of Peace India 1987
Fellowship of Homeopathy by MRHP 1987
Awarded Fellowship of Homeopathy from Homeopathic Association of Karachi 1988
World Adviser Acupuncture Society – 1992
Membership of Acupuncture – Colombo -1992
Cert of Appreciation by NJH Mumbai India 1994
membership of China Acupuncture M.Ac Beijing, China 1991
Rceived a trophy from AHML Pakistan Wing 1992
Received a trophy from Dr Nasir choudry at Pakistan Homeopathic Association Seminar Islamabad 1996
Receipient 'International Excellence Award' by Welfare Foundation India 1997
Star of Excellence by FAHOM 1998
Fellowship of Homeopathy by His Royal Highness The Sultan of Kelantan from FAHOM 1998
Awarded ‘ Maha Vaidhya’ from Indian Holistic Medical Academy given by The Chief Minsiter of Kelantan 1998
Receipient Lord ‘Pandit’ [ Lord of Learning] from ICNM Mumbai- 1999
Knight of Malta, with title ‘Sir’ 2000
Certificate of Excellence by OIU – 2000.
Awarded ‘ Physician of The Year’ by OIU 2000
Diploeme D’Honneur Honoris Cause – ZI Mumbai, India 2000
Received a trophy from Asian Homeopathic Medical League for great contribution for development of homeopathy in Asia 2000
Receipient 'Huang Ti Yellow Emperor Award' by Rimac 2002
Received a trophy from Homeopathic Stores & Hospital at 7th International Conference at Kuala Lumpur 2006

“Prof Dr Nik Omar you have done a great cause of uplifting and growth and on evaluating the professional excellence, intellectual honesty and good moral conduct, we take the pleasure in conferring, this day, the Indian traditional honour of ‘pandit’ to Dr Nik Omar of Malaysia. We wish the scholar further laurels and wisdom to continue contributing, till the Cherished Goals and achieved “ICNM India

" Dr Nik Omar Homeopathic Organisation is perhaps one of the biggest alternative practitioners in Malaysia ' says Sun Newpaper

further reading

E Mail Dr Nik :

Homeopathic Treatment for Hyperthyrodism


is a condition in which thyroid gland is producing an increased amount of thyroid hormones. Thyrotoxicosis is a toxic condition that is as result of excessive thyroid hormones from any cause. Thyrotoxicosis can be caused by an excessive intake of thyroid hormone or by overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland. This gland is located in the lower part of the neck in the front side.

The gland wraps around the windpipe and has a shape of a butterfly, formed by two lobes and attached by a middle part isthmus. The thyroid gland utilizes iodine present in our regular food and iodized salt that is used in food to produce thyroid hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) â€" 99% and triiodothyronine (T3) â€" 1%. Biologically most activity is T3. Once released from the thyroid gland into the blood, a large amount of T4 is converted into T3.

The thyroid is regulated by another gland located in the brain, called the pituitary. The pituitary is regulated in part by the thyroid through "feedback" mechanism of thyroid hormone on the pituitary gland and by another gland in the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus releases a hormone called thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), which sends a signal to the pituitary to release thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). In turn, TSH sends a signal to the thyroid to release thyroid hormones.

If a disruption occurs at any of these levels, a disturbance in thyroid hormone production may result in a deficiency of thyroid hormone which results in hypothyroidism. The rate of thyroid hormone production is controlled by the pituitary gland. If there is an insufficient amount of thyroid hormone circulating in the body to support normal functioning, the release of TSH is increased by the pituitary gland to stimulate more thyroid hormone production.

In contrast, when there is an excessive amount of circulating thyroid hormone, TSH levels goes down as the pituitary attempts to decrease the production of thyroid hormone.

Some common causes of hyperthyroidism include:

* Graves' Disease
* Functioning adenoma and Toxic Multinodular Goiter
* Excessive intake of thyroid hormones
* Decreased amount of TSH
* Thyroiditis
* Excessive iodine intake

Hyperthyroidism is suggested by several signs and symptoms; however, patients with mild disease usually experience no symptoms. In patients older than 70 years, the typical signs and symptoms also may be absent. In general, the symptoms become more obvious as the degree of hyperthyroidism increases. The symptoms usually are related to an increase in the metabolic rate of the body.

Common symptoms include:

* Excessive sweating
* Heat intolerance
* Increased bowel movements
* Tremor (usually fine shaking)
* Nervousness, irritability
* Palpitation
* Fatigue
* Decreased concentration
* Irregular and scanty menstrual flow

In older patients, irregular heart rhythms and heart failure can occur. In its most severe form, untreated hyperthyroidism may result in "thyroid storm," a condition involving high blood pressure, fever, and heart failure. Mental changes, such as confusion and delirium, also may occur.

Hyperthyroidism can be suspected in patients with:

* Tremors
* Excessive sweating
* Smooth velvety skin
* Fine hair
* Palpitation
* An enlarged thyroid gland

There may be puffiness around the eyes and a characteristic stare due to the elevation of the upper eyelids. Advanced symptoms are easily detected, but early symptoms, especially in the elderly, may be quite inconspicuous. In all cases, a blood test is needed to confirm the diagnosis. The blood levels of thyroid hormones can be measured directly and usually are elevated with hyperthyroidism. However, the main tool for detection of hyperthyroidism is measurement of the blood TSH level. As mentioned earlier, TSH is secreted by the pituitary gland. If an excess amount of thyroid hormone is present, TSH level falls in an attempt to reduce production of thyroid hormone. Thus, the measurement of TSH should result in low or undetectable levels in cases of hyperthyroidism. However, there is one exception. If the excessive amount of thyroid hormone is due to a TSH-secreting pituitary tumor, then the levels of TSH will be abnormally high. This uncommon disease is known as "secondary hyperthyroidism." Although the blood tests mentioned previously can confirm the presence of excessive thyroid hormone, they do not point to a specific cause. If there is obvious involvement of the eyes, a diagnosis of Graves' disease is almost certain. A combination of antibody screening (for Graves' disease) and a thyroid scan using radioactively-labelled iodine (which concentrates in the thyroid gland) can help diagnose the underlying thyroid disease. These investigations are chosen on a case-by-case basis.

Hyperthyroidism can lead to a number of complications:

* Heart problems.
* Brittle bones.
* Eye problems.
* Red, swollen skin.
* Thyrotoxic crisis.

Role of Homeopathy in Hyperthyroidism

Homeopathy helps in giving improvement in symptoms as well as decrease levels of TSH. A course of at least 8 to 12 months is recommended for optimum results. Continuation of treatment and total duration of treatment is case to case different. Achieving good control over hyperthyroidism means preventing your self from complications and living a symptom free life. Homeopathy plays a complementary role along with conventional treatment.

Good response with homeopathic treatment helps in reducing need for conventional medicine’s use for longer time. This indirectly helps in preventing side effects of long term use of conventional Aplastic Anemia occurs due to failure of the bone marrow to produce blood cells, including red and white blood cells as well as platelets. Aplastic anemia frequently occurs without a known cause. Known causes include exposure to chemicals (benzene, toluene in glues, insecticides, solvents), drugs (chemotherapy, gold, seizure medications, antibiotics, and others), viruses (HIV, Epstein-Barr), radiation, immune conditions (systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis), pregnancy, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, and inherited disorders (Fanconi's anemia). Symptoms of aplastic anemia include fatigue, bruising, bleeding, shortness of breath, fever, chills, and less frequently, bone pain.

The diagnosis is based on the presence of low red and white blood cell and platelet counts and a decrease in the normal cells of the bone marrow. Treatment depends on the suspected cause of the condition. All medications which might suppress the bone marrow are discontinued. Male hormone (androgens) may be given to stimulate the suppressed bone marrow to become more active.

Bone marrow stimulating factors may be given intravenously. Blood transfusions are often required. Precautions to avoid infections are taken when the white blood cell counts are severely lowered. Bone marrow transplantation may be considered. Suppression of the immune system may be indicated. Immunosuppression therapy can include antithymocyte globulin, cortisone medications, and cyclosporine.

Treatment with antithymocyte globulin has been successful for some patients and permitted them to make sufficient blood cells to stay transfusion-free for 5 years or more.

Diet Untuk Pesakit Buah Pinggang

Diet pesakit buah pinggang

Disahkan dengan kegagalan buah pinggang bukan saja memerlukan anda menjalani rawatan dialisis tetapi juga mematuhi diet yang disyorkan. Suka atau tidak, perubahan dalam diet mesti dilakukan.

Oleh kerana buah pinggang tidak lagi dapat berfungsi seperti biasa, pesakit buah pinggang perlu banyak mengambil makanan tertentu dan mengurangkan jenis makanan yang lain bagi mengekalkan kandungan nutrien yang seimbang dalam badan mereka.

Walaupun setiap orang memiliki rejim diet yang khusus, namun ada sesetengah nutrisi yang diperlukan oleh semua pesakit. Penting atau kurang pentingnya nutrisi itu banyak bergantung pada jenis dialisis yang dipilih, sama ada PD (dialisis peritoneum) atau HD (hemodialisis).

Pakar Pemakanan Universiti Perubatan Antarabangsa, Dr Winnie Chee, berkata perkara paling asas, setiap pesakit perlu membezakan antara jenis rawatan yang diterima kerana ia menjadi penentu amalan pemakanan atau diet yang terbaik untuk mereka.

“Sebagai contoh, rutin diet pesakit yang menjalani rawatan PD agak kurang berbanding pesakit dengan rawatan HD. Ia kerana bagi PD, tahap kalium, garam dan bendalir dalam badan lebih rendah disebabkan pertukaran kerap menerusi PD.

Makanan segera mempunyai kalori yang tinggi dan pengambilan garam berlebihan boleh memudaratkan kesihatan.

“Namun, pesakit yang menjalani rawatan PD perlu memakan lebih banyak protein berbanding pesakit yang menjalani HD,” katanya.

Dr Chee berkata, pesakit yang memilih PD biasanya menjalani pembedahan yang kecil untuk memasukkan tiub plastik kecil ke dalam rongga peritoneum (perut).

“Larutan dialisis kemudian dimasukkan secara suntikan ke dalam rongga peritoneum untuk menyingkirkan toksin dan cecair berlebihan menerusi proses osmosis. Ketika ini, membran peritoneum berfungsi sebagai alat penapis,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, disebabkan ciri proses rawatan ini, protein akan hilang menerusi membran peritoneum pada setiap kali pertukaran dialisis.

Justeru, katanya pesakit yang menjalani rawatan PD perlu meningkatkan pengambilan protein bagi memastikan jumlah protein secukupnya untuk tumbesaran, pembinaan otot, membaiki tisu dan melindungi badan daripada jangkitan.

“Kadar pengambilan protein yang disyorkan bagi pesakit harus dikekalkan pada tiga atau empat hidangan sehari, iaitu lebih kurang saiz tapak tangan bagi setiap hidangan, baik daging, ikan atau ayam,” katanya.

Katanya, sesetengah jenis buah-buahan misalnya pisang dan anggur, selain sayur-sayuran berdaun adalah contoh pemakanan yang memiliki kandungan kalium tinggi.

Pesakit PD katanya boleh mengambil makanan jenis ini bagi membantu mereka menjaga kesihatan jantung dan mengekalkan tahap bendalir badan yang normal.

“Walaupun terdapat fleksibiliti bagi pengguna PD dari segi pengambilan kalium dan cecair yang dibenarkan, pengambilan fosforus harus dipantau kerana enapannya boleh menyebabkan tulang rapuh dan sakit sendi,” katanya.

Namun, katanya agak sukar untuk mengelakkan makanan yang mengandungi fosforus kerana ia boleh didapati dalam pelbagai jenis makanan termasuk daging, ikan, ayam, minuman berasaskan koko, kacang selain makanan seperti tauhu, dal dan sayur kacang.

Dr Chee berkata, bagi mengatasi masalah ini, semua pesakit yang menjalani dialisis, sama ada HD atau PD, perlu mengambil pengikat fosfat (contohnya pil kalsium) untuk menyingkirkan fosfat tambahan daripada badan.

Pengambilan garam juga harus dihadkan untuk mengawal tekanan darah. Satu cara yang boleh diamalkan dengan mudah ialah ‘diet tanpa garam tambahan’ iaitu jumlah garam minimum digunakan ketika memasak (¼ camca teh sehari).

Selain itu, pesakit perlu waspada terhadap makanan lain yang mempunyai kandungan garam yang tinggi seperti kicap masin, sos tomato atau cili, sos ikan, sos tiram dan makanan dengan MSG. Mengelak makanan sedemikian adalah pilihan terbaik dalam diet.

“Pengurangan jumlah air kencing yang dihasilkan adalah simptom umum masalah buah pinggang yang biasanya didapati pada peringkat akhir penyakit. Akibatnya, ramai pesakit mengalami bengkak, sesak nafas dan tekanan darah tinggi disebabkan cecair berlebihan yang disimpan di dalam badan,” katanya.

Oleh kerana terapi PD membantu mengekalkan fungsi buah pinggang untuk tempoh lebih lama, pesakit yang menggunakan kaedah rawatan ini tidak perlu mengawal pengambilan cecair dengan begitu ketat kerana pengeluaran air kencing tetap dikekalkan pada tahap normal.

“Sebagai garis panduan umum, semua orang harus sedar mengenai jumlah kalori yang diambil untuk mengelakkan diri daripada menjadi gemuk. Kadangkala, penyerapan dekstrosa (gula) dalam dialisis

boleh menyebabkan kenaikan berat badan pesakit PD. Pengambilan jumlah kalori yang betul penting untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan antara membekalkan tenaga bagi badan dan mengelakkan berat badan berlebihan,” katanya.

Jadual berikut merumuskan perbezaan antara perubahan pemakanan perlu diambil oleh pesakit yang menjalani PD dan HD:

Kelas makanan: Dialisis Peritoneum (PD)

Protein: Mengikut keperluan, keperluan protein lebih tinggi daripada pesakit HD.

Kalium: Biasanya tidak terhad melainkan tahap darah adalah tinggi.

Fosforus: Terhad.

Cecair: Lebih longgar daripada pesakit HD.

Kalori: Mengikut keperluan. Jika kurang berat badan, pesakit memerlukan lebih banyak kalori untuk mencegah kekurangan khasiat pemakanan. Jika berat badan berlebihan, pesakit memerlukan kurang kalori untuk mencegah kenaikan berat badan selanjutnya. Kalori daripada dekstrosa dalam dialisat perlu diambil kira.

Jenis makanan: Dialisis HD

Protien: Mengikut keperluan

Kalium: Terhad

Fosforus: Terhad

Cecair: Terhad

Kalori: Mengikut keperluan. Jika kurang berat badan, pesakit memerlukan lebih banyak kalori dan jika berat badan berlebihan, pesakit memerlukan kurang kalori.

Jadual ini hanyalah panduan umum mengenai jenis makanan yang sesuai bagi pesakit buat pinggang yang menggunakan kaedah rawatan berbeza. Namun, mereka dinasihatkan berbincang dengan doktor dan pakar diet buah pinggang sebelum membuat perubahan kepada amalan pemakanan untuk memastikan diet yang seimbang dan sihat.

Oleh Hafizah Iszahanid

Chronic Kidney Disease ( Penyakit Buah Pinggang Kronik )

Chronic kidney disease (CKD), commonly also known as chronic renal disease, is a progressive, and generally permanent, loss of kidney function over a period of months or years.

If a permanent loss of more the one-third of kidney function occurs, this is defined as chronic kidney disease.

Chronic kidney diseas e if often associated with, or linked as a secondary condition to, heart diseases and diabetes.

Chronic kidney disease can lead to chronic kidney failure. An increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease is found with those who:

* Have diabetes
* Have high blood pressure
* Are obese
* Smoke- men who smoke are three times more likely to have reduced kidney function
* Are over 50 years of age
* Are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
* Have a family history of kidney disease

The most prevalent causes of chronic kidney disease are diabetic nephropathy, hypertension and glomerulonephritis. These make up for 75% of all adult cases and hence are the major causes of kidney failure. As kidney function decreases the risk of kidney failure will increase.

The major goal of medical treatment will be to slow down or halt the otherwise relentless progression of chronic kidney disease. Control of blood pressure, diet and lifestyle changes and treatment of the original disease, whenever possible, are the broad principles of management to increase the lifespan of the patient’s kidneys. Everyone, however can improve their kidney function simply by drinking more water, especially in the Queensland climate.

This being said, just because you develop kidney disease, it does not mean that you will acquire kidney failure. At least one sign of chronic kidney disease will appear in one out of seven Australian adults over the age of 25 years. Only a few presenting with such kidney problems will have lasting kidney damage, with even fewer developing kidney failure.

Ninety percent of kidney function may be lost before you may even feel sick, hence the reason why the damage and signs of kidney disease may go unnoticed until the kidneys become close to failure. In Australians aged 12 to 74 years, approximately 52,000 have severe cases of kidney damage.

Some causes of kidney disease include:

* Diabetic nephropathy ( Kencing manis )
* Hypertension ( Tekanan darah Tinggi )
* Polycystic kidney disease ( Masalah gangguang buah pinggang)
* Reflux nephropathy- a bladder valve problem allowing urine to flow back into the kidneys causing scarring. ( masalah reflux)
* Medications- some drugs such as lithium and cyclosporine can cause kidney failure. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), taken in normal therapeutic doses, may occasionally cause acute kidney failure. ( Masalah terlampau banyak dan terlampau lama makan ubat allopathy )

Bacaaan lanjut

Homeopathy For Growth of The Child

( Tinnitus with acupuncture treatment )

Masalah Pembesaran Kanak-Kanak Atau bayi
Cara Penyelesaian Melalui Kaedah Homeopathy

Parent may resort to strong medicines ( allopathy), but it is my plea that at least for children, leave them alone.

Homeopathic medicine are truely effective for all round physical, mental and spiritual growth of the child. Homeopathy has been able to increase intellectual limits. I think parent realize this sub-consciously, therefore even in families with little homeopathic exposure, they opt for homeopathy treatment for their children.

Abrotanum is the remedy for children with cases of emaciation, children has thin legs and distended abdomen, is unable to hold up his head and learns wakling late. Slow development.


For children large forehead, light dull hair, distended abdomen, enuresis or tonsil

Nat Mur
Emaciation around the neck, raised chest bones., oedema of the extremities.

Calc Carb

Children with chronic cough. Have taken alloptahic medicine but no respond.

Cuprum Met

For asthmatic and coughing, it is an excellent homeopathic remedy for chronic asthma

Numbness of Fingers ( Kebas Tangan dan Jari )

Why do my Fingers Go Numb?

Finger Numbness is usually a result of damages and/or diseases to the nerves in your fingers, hands, wrists, arms and even in your neck. Damages to the nerves in your fingers may have been from an accident or trauma to the nerves in your hands. When compared to a RSI (repetitive strain injury), an accident at work that may have crushed or broken your fingers and damaged the nerves is easier to diagnose as the root cause.

Repetitive strain injuries to your fingers that can cause nerve damages are actions like typing, keyboarding, mousing, handling machinery that vibrates (like a power saw, a jackhammer or rototiller), and yes... even text messaging on your "blackberry" phone. Inflammation of the tendons, tendon sheaths and the ligament of your fingers and thumbs can easily be treated with Far Infrared Rays.

Diseases and conditions that contribute to your fingers going numb are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, White Finger Disease, Multiple Scleroisis, Diabetic Neuropathy, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Raynaud's Syndrome and Lupus

Best Alternative Treatment

Homeopathy and akupunktur adalah rawatan terbaik untuk kebas tangan dan kaki

Take homeopathic pills orally and do acupuncture treatment externally. It will give you best results.

Renal failure ( Penyakit Buah Pinggang Akut )

What is acute renal failure?

Acute renal failure (also called acute kidney injury) means that your kidneys have suddenly stopped working. Your kidneys remove waste products and help balance water and salt and other minerals (electrolytes) in your blood. When your kidneys stop working, waste products, fluids, and electrolytes build up in your body. This can cause problems that can be deadly.
What causes acute renal failure?

Acute renal failure has three main causes:

* A sudden, serious drop in blood flow to the kidneys. Heavy blood loss, an injury, or a bad infection called sepsis can reduce blood flow to the kidneys. Not enough fluid in the body (dehydration) also can harm the kidneys.
* Damage from some medicines, poisons, or infections. Most people do not have any kidney problems from taking medicines. People who have serious, long-term health problems are more likely than other people to have a kidney problem from medicines.

The medicines that can sometimes harm the kidneys include:
Ubat-ubat yang boleh merusakkan buah pinggang antaranya ialah

o Antibiotics, such as gentamicin and streptomycin.
o Pain medicines, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
o Some blood pressure medicines, such as ACE inhibitors.
o The dyes used in some X-ray tests.

* A sudden blockage that stops urine from flowing out of the kidneys. Kidney stones, a tumor, an injury, or an enlarged prostate gland can cause a blockage.

You have a greater chance of getting acute renal failure if:

* You are an older adult.
* You have a long-term health problem such as kidney or liver disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, or obesity.
* You are already very ill and are in the hospital or intensive care (ICU). Heart surgery or belly surgery or a bone marrow transplant can make you more likely to have kidney failure.

What are the symptoms?

Tanda-tanda awal nak jadi penyakit buah pinggang

Symptoms of acute renal failure may include:

* Little or no urine when you urinate.
( air kencing sedikit)
* Swelling, especially in your legs and feet.
( Bengkak kaki )
* Not feeling like eating.
( Tidak ada selera makan)

* Nausea and vomiting ( Mual dan muntah-muntah )

* Feeling confused, anxious and restless, or sleepy.
( Rasa tak sedap nadan, ceas dan gelisah )

* Pain in the back just below the rib cage. This is called flank pain.
( Sakit belakang )

Some people may not have any symptoms.
How is acute renal failure diagnosed?

Your doctor will ask about symptoms you may have, what medicines you take, and what tests you have had. Your symptoms can help point to the cause of your kidney problem.

Blood and urine tests can check how well your kidneys are working. A chemistry screen can show if you have normal levels of sodium (salt), potassium, and calcium. You may also have an ultrasound. This imaging test lets your doctor see your kidneys.

Rawat Sebelum terlambat

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Tumors, Cancer, Cycst and Polyp

( Our Homeopathic Reception Counter at 118 Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur )

Beberapa ubat yang sesuai digunakan dalam perubatan homeopathy untuk penyakit kanser, ketumbuhan, sista, polyp, risa:

Antara ubat-ubat tersebut ialah
Few selected remedies are:

Pulsatilla,, Conium, Hydratis, Asterias Rub., Kali Iod., Kreoste, Lachesis., Aurum met., Lapis Albus., Copaiva, Trillium Pend., Sulphur., Thlaspi Bursar, Alumen, Kali carb., Thuja, Condurago, Silicea., Phytolacca.

Untuk mendaptkan ubat-ubat ini
To get some of this product kindly call our Kuala Lumpur HW
03 4042 2020

Our web

Problem During Pregnancy and Homeopathic Treatment

Abortion / Miscarriage

Masalah keguguran

- Abortion or miscarriage due to dreadful dreams or when abortion is due to a false step or by carrying heavy weight or other physical over-exertion, shocks, falls, bruises or concussion.

- For repeated abortion every second or third month. Habitual Abortion.

- Abortion during 5 th - 7th month. Patient feel feeble, delicate.

Selected remedies: Aconite, Arnica Montana, Viburum Pru., Sepia, Gelsemium, Aurum, Puls., Thaiaspi.

Rawatan Homeopati memang bagus untuk keguguran

Placenta Previa ( Prolapsus)

Rahim Jatuh.

Sepia head the remedy for bearing down, whether in pregnancy or otherwise. Labor like pains at seven month.

- Drawing pain in the back, radiating hands, feet and toes. Sever pain in the back before and during stool.

- Labor like pain with bearing down sensation.

Some useful remedies: Sepia, Sarsapilla, Kali carb, secale, Pulsatilla, Ustilago.

Difficulty Breathing During Pregnancy
- Nux Vomica

During Pregnancy it is not advise to take any drugs or chemical, homeopathic medicines will suit you best.

Dropsy / Oedema / kaki Sembab / kaki bengkak

Apis, Apocynum, Ars Alb are few best selected remedies for an excellent remedy with dropsical swelling of feet and face or may be dripsy due to liver problem or dropsy due to heart problem

Foetus - Displacement and Movement
Bayi Songsang / Bayi Kuat Menendang

Pulsatilla is one of homeopathic excellent remedy for putting the foetus or child in the right place. It covers even when the child turn upside down.

Crocus: When the movements are too violent and painful

Caulophyllum : When the movement have ceased

Morning Sickness - Alahan mengandung

Ubat-ubat homeopati amat sesuai digunakan sepanjang kehamilan.

Deadly nausea, vomiting, continuous violent retching, vomiting and salivation during pregnancy, and excellent remedy for nausea and vomiting

Top 3 remedies: Syhphoricarpus Racemosa, Sepia, NV., Ipecac

Bahasa Melayu: Satu kes rekod yang berlaku pada tahun 1983

" seorang muda muda kandungan 8 bulan, didapati anak songsang yang agak serius dan selalu sakit, sooh dan sengkok perut sepanjang tempuh kehamilan. Saya masih ingat dengan memberi Pulsatilla 30c tid selama 2 minggu pada usia bayi 9 bulan, ibu ini bersalin dengan senang di rumah !!! > nama ibu ini NAND. nama anak ini RBO

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lymphoma Can be Treated

What is lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a form of cancer -- a disease of the body's cells. Normal, healthy cells grow, divide and replace themselves in an orderly manner. When cancer is present, the cells grow abnormally and may continue to grow out of control, forming too much tissue -- a tumor.

Lymphoma encompasses a variety of cancers specific to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important network of glands and vessels which make up the body's main line of defense against disease (immune system). This network manufactures and circulates lymph throughout the body. Lymph is a clear, watery fluid that contains white blood cells that fight infection and disease called lymphocytes. Along the network are bean-shaped organs called lymph nodes or glands. The nodes are responsible for the manufacture and storage of these infection-fighting cells. Lymph nodes are clustered in the neck, under the arms, in the groin and abdomen and may swell and become tender when the body is fighting infection (such as mono or strep throat).

When lymphoma occurs, some of the cells in the lymphatic system grow abnormally and out of control. Eventually, they may form a tumor which continues to grow as the cancerous cells reproduce. If all the cells are the same, they are called malignant or cancerous, because they will continue to grow and eventually harm the body's systems. Because there is lymph tissue throughout the body, the cancer cells may spread to other organs, or even into the bone marrow.

Can Homeopathy Treat Lymphoma ?

There are few homeopathic remedies to treat lymphoma, such as:-

Hydratis, caonium, mang Phos., Lyco., Thuja, Phytolacca, calc carb., Tuberculinum, China Off., Carbo ana

Scars Can be treated With Homeopathy

* when scars bleed easily, break open, red scars. Give Lachesis 30c o2 200c
* When Deep scars, injuries become sores - Causticum 200c
* for old hard scars - graphites
Scar left by the bike of dog or human - lyssin
Old cicatrised wounds open again and again and suppurate
scars left by boils or ulcers - silicea.

Bahasa Melayu: Sebarang masalah parut atau luka-luka lama yang tidah sembuh-sembuh, boleh lah cuba rawatan homeopathy.
Biasanya ubat-ubat homeopathy amat berkesan untuk merawat kes-kes tersebut.

Where to Find Homeopathy in Malaysia

Dr Nik with his bike at Phuket , Thailand 2010.

Kindly contact your nearest
Homeopathy centre at kuala Lumpur.

Nik Omar Homeopathic medical centre
No.118 Jalan Raja laut
Kuala Lumpur
( Near City Hotel - KFC end of jalan Raja laut)
Off PWTC / The mall

Tel: 03 4041 2020
