Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lymphoma Can be Treated

What is lymphoma?

Lymphoma is a form of cancer -- a disease of the body's cells. Normal, healthy cells grow, divide and replace themselves in an orderly manner. When cancer is present, the cells grow abnormally and may continue to grow out of control, forming too much tissue -- a tumor.

Lymphoma encompasses a variety of cancers specific to the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important network of glands and vessels which make up the body's main line of defense against disease (immune system). This network manufactures and circulates lymph throughout the body. Lymph is a clear, watery fluid that contains white blood cells that fight infection and disease called lymphocytes. Along the network are bean-shaped organs called lymph nodes or glands. The nodes are responsible for the manufacture and storage of these infection-fighting cells. Lymph nodes are clustered in the neck, under the arms, in the groin and abdomen and may swell and become tender when the body is fighting infection (such as mono or strep throat).

When lymphoma occurs, some of the cells in the lymphatic system grow abnormally and out of control. Eventually, they may form a tumor which continues to grow as the cancerous cells reproduce. If all the cells are the same, they are called malignant or cancerous, because they will continue to grow and eventually harm the body's systems. Because there is lymph tissue throughout the body, the cancer cells may spread to other organs, or even into the bone marrow.

Can Homeopathy Treat Lymphoma ?

There are few homeopathic remedies to treat lymphoma, such as:-

Hydratis, caonium, mang Phos., Lyco., Thuja, Phytolacca, calc carb., Tuberculinum, China Off., Carbo ana

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