The two Malaysian Lady Homeopath has visited few Homeopathic Pharmacy while at Belgium, here are some of the pictures taken by Dr Nik Omar
Some of Conclusion of The 63rd LMHI World Congress.
20th -25th May 2008 at Belgium
Evidence Based Homeopathy , Presented by
Dr Michel Van Wassenhoven
LMHI and ECH Secretary For Research
* Homeopathy is mostly used in medicine in the framework of general practice ( but also by gynacologists, paediatrician, etc) and is used by patients of all ages.
* The respect for patients' right means that the patient must be informed about all possible therapies that could be used to improve his health and also about the therapeutic possibilities of homeopathic medicines even in (allopathic )hospitals
* The level of evidence obtained for numerous diagnoses is sufficient to accredit homeopathic practice in scientific framework of the general practice.
* The use of homeopathy in general practice may imply a reduction of costs for public health. These savings are coming from reduction of prescribed conventional remedies, areduction of the number of consultations and reduction or working incapacity.
* The internal evidence are validating and confirming the effects of the medical homeopathic methods.
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