Reports, the last ICHCM 2002
13th Asian Homeopathic Medical League &
6th International Conference On Homeopathy &
Alternative Medicine
Kota Bharu, Malaysia 7-10th September 2002
The 13th AHML & 6th ICHC was held at Kota Bharu Malaysia on 7th - 10 September 2002 at Perdana Resort, near the beach off South China Sea.
It was inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Kelantan State Government, who stressed the need to develop homeopathy and alternative medicines in the country.
The inaugural session was presided over by Prof Dr Sajjad Hassan Khan, the President of AHML , Dr A.K. Seth, the Secretary of AHML and guest welcomed by Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar., President of Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Practitioner who is also the Convenor of the Conference.
It was attended by delegates from 15 countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Canada, Germany, Australia, England, Kuwait, Phillipine, etc.
The scientific session were devoted to the development and research in homeopathy. The first session was presided by Dr P. Bansal, Dr SS Moharana. While Dr Girish Gupta presented the good paper on 'The effect of Homeopathic Drugs Against Apergillosis in Human: In-Vitro Evalution." . He also inform about his activities in his Research Institute at Lucknow.
30 working papers were presented from 8th till 10 september 2002, such as;
1. Repertorial Aspect of cardiac Diseases by Dr SS Moharana, India
2. Untreatable Cases of cancer Treated by Homeopathy by Prof Sanjoy Benerjee, India
3. Homeopathy for Heart Problem by N. Sukumaran
4. Study of Efficacy of Albizzia Lebbeck in Bronchial Asthma by Prof Bishnu Prasad Sarma.
5. Homeopathy Rescued from Surgery by Dr M.A. Quader, Bangladesh.
6. Infiltrative Ductal Carcinoma of Breast by Dr Umesh Dayanandan, Kuwait.
7. The Effest of Nirami Karan, a clinical trial by Vaidya Dhirendra Joshi
8. Wholenss and health Through Homeopathy by Dr S.P. Nautiyal
9. Viral hepatis and Homeopathic Treatment by Dr Sanjiv Garj
10. Homeopathic Scientific Explained by Dr SS Vital
11. The present Status of Homeopathy by Dr M.S. Hossain Bhuiyan
12 Successful Homeopathic Treatment of a large pedunculated warty papillomatous growth in an elderly lady by S.K. Mandal.
13. Role of Homeopathy In Renal Stone Treatment by Dr Sharad Shangloo.
14.The Missing Link of Medicine Today by Dr RS Pareek & Dr Alok Pareek
15.Treament of Allergic Rhinitis by Prof V.P. Bansal
16. Homeopathy and Pathology by Dr Md Abdul Matin
17. Biochemical and Medicinal Investigation of Allium Sativa by Prof Dr Sohail Rashid
18. Efficacy of lesser Known Homeopathic Drugs on Skin Disorder by Dr J.P. Singh
19. Homeopathy Science by Dr Chandok Singh, Punjab Government.
20. Homeopathy in Singapore by Dr M Rangachari. etc.
On Sept 2002 all delegates were invited for BBQ Dinner hosted by The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia at their new campus at Pasir Mas. The function was a great gathering and all the delegates enjoy the hospitality by the Chairman Prof Nik Omar.
On the 9th September, the meeting of central Working Committee and General assembly meeting of AHML was held at Perdana Resort.
The President Prof Sajjad Hassan Khan announced his resignation because he was ahifted to England. All the members of AHML helped to elect a new President.
Dr Gidendral Pal of India were elected as President and The Senior President goes to Prof Dr Nik Omar of Malaysia. The Secretary General, Dr A.K. Seth remained unchange. The new Vice President of Philiipine, Singapore, Brunei, Saudi Arabia were elected.
All credits goes to Prof Nik Omar, President & Chairman of The Conference who was responsible for making excellent arrangements for holding the International Conference.
Prof Nik Omar and his devoted group of workers deserve our thanks for holding such an impressive international mood of immense value to the profession. It is worth to mentioned here that Prof Omar is the one of the pioneer in popolarising homeopathy in Malaysia and Asian region and is recognised by lovers of homeopathy all over the region.
The convocation of The faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia was also held during the conference. Diploma and degree were given to those who has qualified a two years and four years course in homeopathy.
Kota Bharu 5 Oct 2002
Call for papers For 2009 Malaysia Conference
Scientific & Cultural Program fro ICHCM 2009
4 - th Oct., 2009
* Latest Research ad development in T/CM
* Surgical Cases Cured by Homeopathy, Ayuvedic, Herbal, Chinese Medicine and other T/Cm on brain tomour, fibroid, cycst, etc supported by CT Scan, MRI, Untrasound, etc.
* The role of T/CM on psychiatric & psychological disorder
* Drug Abuse, ADIS and Chronic Cases Cured by T/CM approach
Sent you abstract before 15 Jun 2009
Our Contact No:
Prof Nik Omar
Vice President
Asian Homeopathic Medical League- AHML
c/o Nik Omar Homeopathic Medical Centre
No.118 Jalan Raja Laut,
50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: Clinic 603-4042 2020
Direct Line , Prof Nik 019- 940 1915