Thursday, September 18, 2008

Masturbation - Onani

Here are few remedies suggested to overcome masturbation ( Onani, melacap, main tangan )

Last week on 4th of September 2008 a young boy walk in our Homeopathic Clinic at Damansara Uptown.
Boy Age: 16 years.
History of Masturbation since age: 10 years.
Prequentcy of masturbation: one or twice a day, somtime three time a day.

His condition now: Facial become dull and hypocratic, very tired and wekness, cracking sound all over the joints, eyes become blurr, forgetfullness, wek memory, shevering and trembling, body become thin and weak, dryness of mounth, constipation.

I have given the best to my knowledge to help this young boy back to his normal life.
Given cauncelling and motivation with good homeopathic prescription.

Here are some of homeopathic remedies suggested:
Platinum is good for masturbation before the age of puberty and its effects.
Caladium is a remdy for taking away the habi of maturbation and for removing its bad effect. Penis glans get flabby and relaxed.
Origanum M - disposition to masturbation with impulses excessively aroused. Sexually desire makes him mad.
Staphisagria - after effect of masturbation - penis become weak and relax, penis shrinking, become smaller in sixe, premature ejeculation

Onani - Mastubasi boleh melemahkan tenaga batin, jika berlebihan boleh hilng memory, badan lemah, selalu mengantuk, badan lesu, jadi pelupa dan zakar tidak menegang. Penyakit ini boleh dirawat oleh homeopathy

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