Sunday, January 11, 2009
Kaedah Rawatan Penyakit BUAH PINGGANG
Cara Rawatan Hospital Allopathy
Dialisis buah pinggang
Mengikut cara atau kaedah rawatan biasa (allopati), jika buah pinggang rosak teruk dan tidak boleh berfungsi walaupun mengikuti diet khusus, dialisis diperlukan, sama ada terus-menerus atau sehingga penderma buah pinggang ditemui.
Satu buah pinggang boleh berfungsi untuk dua tetapi jika kedua-duanya tidak lagi berfungsi, seseorang memerlukan pemindahan buah pinggang atau cara lain untuk menapis darah. Teknologi perubatan allopati hari ini telah mencipta proses dinamakan dialisis yang menapis darah melalui mesin buah pinggang tiruan apabila kedua-dua buah pinggang tidak boleh berfungsi lagi.
Pesakit yang mendapat rawatan dialisis dapat meneruskan hidup tetapi aktiviti hidup mereka semakin terbatas.
Biasanya pesakit yang sudah menjalani dialisis memerlukan masa sekurang-kurangnya 3 jam untuk membuat satu terapi pembersihan darah dan sekurang-kurangnya dialisis hendaklah dibuat 3 kali dalam seminggu. Rawatan ini mahal, memerlukan banyak masa terluang dan tidak semua pesakit boleh menerimanya.
Di Pusat-Pusat Dialisis Swasta ianya memerlukan sekurang-kurang RM 300 hingga RM 400 untuk sekali membuat dialisis.
Untuk satu bulan rawatan dialisis pesakit memerlukan sekurang-kurang RM 1,000.00
Masalah sering dihadapi ialah anaemia teruk dan pengambilan cecair berlebihan harus disekat.
Pemindahan buah pinggang
Secara teori, pemindahan buah pinggang nampak begitu mudah dengan mengeluarkan buah pinggang lama dan menggantikan dengan yang baru dan pesakit dapat menikmati kehidupan normal. Namun jika tubuh pesakit tidak dapat menerima buah pinggang baru, masalah akan timbul. Ini diatasi dengan mencari pesakit dan penderma yang mempunyai kaitan dan ubat diperlukan untuk mengurangkan tindakan balas yang dihadapi tubuh penerima.
Tanda-tanda Sakit Buah Pinggang kronik
Pesakit biasanya lemah, sering demam, sering kencing lebih-lebih lagi waktu malam. Jika dibiarkan tanpa rawatan, pesakit akan kehilangan berat badan, luka, gatal-gatal dan sedu. Kulit nampak kekuningan dan garisgaris warna coklat dilihat di kuku tangan.
Puncanya mesti dikenal pasti dan dirawat. Batu karang boleh dikeluarkan melalui pembedahan dan jangkitan kuman dirawat dengan ubat-ubatan. Jika kedua-duanya gagal, pesakit diberikan pemakanan tinggi karbohidrat dan rendah protein. Dialisis atau pemindahan buah pinggang diperlukan jika pesakti bertambah teruk.
Adakah pesakit bergantung pada mesin dialisis sepanjang hayatnya?
Rawatan dialisis diberikan selama tiga hingga empat jam tiga kali seminggu. Selain waktu tersebut, pesakit bebas aktif seperti orang lain.
Adakah pesakit yang menerima dialisis boleh bekerja?
Dengan rawatan dialisis, pesakit buah pinggang dapat hidup secara normal. Mereka boleh bekerja asalkan tidak melakukan kerja-kerja berat seperti kerja buruh. Pesakit ini juga patut meneruskan persekolahan dan boleh mengambil bahagian dalam sukan atau aktiviti rekreasi.
Apakah kesan dialisis ke atas kehidupan pesakit?
Kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang tidak bermakna berakhirnya kehidupan. Pesakit perlu mengikuti pemakanan khusus dan mengambil ubat-ubatan yang membantu dalam rawatan.
Adakah kegagalan buah pinggang jarang berlaku?
Setiap tahun kira-kira 1,890 orang dikesan menghidap penyakit buah pinggang dan akan mati tanpa rawatan yang betul. Kebanyakan pesakit berusia antara 15 hingga 55 tahun. Setiap tahun jumlah pesakit yang menerima rawatan penyakit buah pinggang semakin bertambah.
Bagaimana mengetahui sama ada anda mengidap penyakit buah pinggang?
Bagi sesetengah penyakit buah pinggang, terdapat tanda-tanda yang boleh dikenali. Umpamanya, terdapat darah dalam air kencing, bengkak sekeliling mata serta buku lali dan sering bangun kencing waktu malam. Tanda-tanda seperti ini memerlukan rawatan. Bagaimanapun banyak kes penyakit buah pinggang berlaku dalam diam dan tidak menampakkan sebarang tanda. Ia dikesan melalui pemeriksaan air kencing yang nampak tidak normal atau tekanan darah tinggi.
Rawatan Altenatif
Mengikut Kaedah Homeopathy
Sistem perubatan Homeopathy mempunyai caranya tersendiri untuk merawat kes-kes Penyakit Buah Pinggang [ Renal Failure] dengan memberi ubat-ubat yang sesuai;
Kes 1 : Mr.NAND- Umur 50 tahun.
Mr.NAND telah dimasukkan ke sebuah hospital setelah dirujukkan oleh sebuah klinik swasta dengan tanda-tanda yang jelas menunjukkan 'penyakit buah pinggang', kaki,perut, muka dan badan bengkak, air kecing mengandungan darah. Dan setelah membuat analisa dengan teliti doktor telah mengesahkan bahawa mengikut X-Ray,scan dan sebagainya, pesakit , MR NAND telah mengalami 'Renal Failure' dan memerlukan Dialysis buah pinggang secepat mungkin.
Mr.NAND cukup takut kepada dialisis kerana sebelum ini beliau telah lihat sendiri bahawa kakaknya juga meninggal dunia setelah satu tahun membuat dialisis.
Beliau takut lalu berjumpa dengan Prof Nik Omar seorang pakar homeopathy untuk mendengar pendapatnya.
Setelah perbincangan berlaku, beliau mengambil keputusan untuk katanya untuk 'mati dirumah' dan bertawakal untuk berubat dengan Prof Nik Omar.
Dengan beberap diet serta peraturan yang telah ditetapkan Mr NAND telah mula menjalani terapi homeopathy dengan formula baru 'Trinity of Homeopathy'
Dengan mengamalkan ubat-ubat yang dibekalkan seperti' Aconite, Belladonna, Apis Mel., Ars Alb., Hellebore, Cham., Bryonia, Lyco., Calendula, China Off, Spigelia' dengan kaedah permakanan yang khusus, dalam tempuh 3 bulan MR NAND telah pulih sepenuhnya dari tanda-tanda penyakit yang dialami sebelum ini.
Bila beliau kembali semula menemui 'doktor' di hospital tersebut, doktor hairan, bahawa dengan gejala-gejala dan tanda-tanda yang teruk sewaktu meninggalkan hospital, beliau sangka Mr NAND telah pun 'mati' tetapi Tuhan masih sayang MR NAND dan dia sembuh dan sihat sehingga ke hari ini.
Allah Maha Besar !!
Kita Ikhtiar Tuah Menyembuhkan !
Dalam hal-hal sebegini, kita hairan, masih ramai lagi orang-orang tidak percaya keupayaan penyembuhan yang ada pada ubat homeopathy.
Mereka masih tidak yakin, dan tidak percaya.
Apa salahnya kalau mereka sekadar memcuba dan berikhtiar secara homeopathy sebelum membuat sebarang dialysis.
sebab kami cukup yakin dengan adanya lebih dari 100 jenis ubat-ubat homeopathy untuk 'Penyakit Buah Pinggang', kita cukup yakin, bahawa rawatan homeopathy berupaya memberi rawatan alternatif yang baik kepada pesakit-pesakit Buah Pinggang.
Bacaan Lanjutan:
Dialisis buah pinggang
Mengikut cara atau kaedah rawatan biasa (allopati), jika buah pinggang rosak teruk dan tidak boleh berfungsi walaupun mengikuti diet khusus, dialisis diperlukan, sama ada terus-menerus atau sehingga penderma buah pinggang ditemui.
Satu buah pinggang boleh berfungsi untuk dua tetapi jika kedua-duanya tidak lagi berfungsi, seseorang memerlukan pemindahan buah pinggang atau cara lain untuk menapis darah. Teknologi perubatan allopati hari ini telah mencipta proses dinamakan dialisis yang menapis darah melalui mesin buah pinggang tiruan apabila kedua-dua buah pinggang tidak boleh berfungsi lagi.
Pesakit yang mendapat rawatan dialisis dapat meneruskan hidup tetapi aktiviti hidup mereka semakin terbatas.
Biasanya pesakit yang sudah menjalani dialisis memerlukan masa sekurang-kurangnya 3 jam untuk membuat satu terapi pembersihan darah dan sekurang-kurangnya dialisis hendaklah dibuat 3 kali dalam seminggu. Rawatan ini mahal, memerlukan banyak masa terluang dan tidak semua pesakit boleh menerimanya.
Di Pusat-Pusat Dialisis Swasta ianya memerlukan sekurang-kurang RM 300 hingga RM 400 untuk sekali membuat dialisis.
Untuk satu bulan rawatan dialisis pesakit memerlukan sekurang-kurang RM 1,000.00
Masalah sering dihadapi ialah anaemia teruk dan pengambilan cecair berlebihan harus disekat.
Pemindahan buah pinggang
Secara teori, pemindahan buah pinggang nampak begitu mudah dengan mengeluarkan buah pinggang lama dan menggantikan dengan yang baru dan pesakit dapat menikmati kehidupan normal. Namun jika tubuh pesakit tidak dapat menerima buah pinggang baru, masalah akan timbul. Ini diatasi dengan mencari pesakit dan penderma yang mempunyai kaitan dan ubat diperlukan untuk mengurangkan tindakan balas yang dihadapi tubuh penerima.
Tanda-tanda Sakit Buah Pinggang kronik
Pesakit biasanya lemah, sering demam, sering kencing lebih-lebih lagi waktu malam. Jika dibiarkan tanpa rawatan, pesakit akan kehilangan berat badan, luka, gatal-gatal dan sedu. Kulit nampak kekuningan dan garisgaris warna coklat dilihat di kuku tangan.
Puncanya mesti dikenal pasti dan dirawat. Batu karang boleh dikeluarkan melalui pembedahan dan jangkitan kuman dirawat dengan ubat-ubatan. Jika kedua-duanya gagal, pesakit diberikan pemakanan tinggi karbohidrat dan rendah protein. Dialisis atau pemindahan buah pinggang diperlukan jika pesakti bertambah teruk.
Adakah pesakit bergantung pada mesin dialisis sepanjang hayatnya?
Rawatan dialisis diberikan selama tiga hingga empat jam tiga kali seminggu. Selain waktu tersebut, pesakit bebas aktif seperti orang lain.
Adakah pesakit yang menerima dialisis boleh bekerja?
Dengan rawatan dialisis, pesakit buah pinggang dapat hidup secara normal. Mereka boleh bekerja asalkan tidak melakukan kerja-kerja berat seperti kerja buruh. Pesakit ini juga patut meneruskan persekolahan dan boleh mengambil bahagian dalam sukan atau aktiviti rekreasi.
Apakah kesan dialisis ke atas kehidupan pesakit?
Kegagalan fungsi buah pinggang tidak bermakna berakhirnya kehidupan. Pesakit perlu mengikuti pemakanan khusus dan mengambil ubat-ubatan yang membantu dalam rawatan.
Adakah kegagalan buah pinggang jarang berlaku?
Setiap tahun kira-kira 1,890 orang dikesan menghidap penyakit buah pinggang dan akan mati tanpa rawatan yang betul. Kebanyakan pesakit berusia antara 15 hingga 55 tahun. Setiap tahun jumlah pesakit yang menerima rawatan penyakit buah pinggang semakin bertambah.
Bagaimana mengetahui sama ada anda mengidap penyakit buah pinggang?
Bagi sesetengah penyakit buah pinggang, terdapat tanda-tanda yang boleh dikenali. Umpamanya, terdapat darah dalam air kencing, bengkak sekeliling mata serta buku lali dan sering bangun kencing waktu malam. Tanda-tanda seperti ini memerlukan rawatan. Bagaimanapun banyak kes penyakit buah pinggang berlaku dalam diam dan tidak menampakkan sebarang tanda. Ia dikesan melalui pemeriksaan air kencing yang nampak tidak normal atau tekanan darah tinggi.
Rawatan Altenatif
Mengikut Kaedah Homeopathy
Sistem perubatan Homeopathy mempunyai caranya tersendiri untuk merawat kes-kes Penyakit Buah Pinggang [ Renal Failure] dengan memberi ubat-ubat yang sesuai;
Kes 1 : Mr.NAND- Umur 50 tahun.
Mr.NAND telah dimasukkan ke sebuah hospital setelah dirujukkan oleh sebuah klinik swasta dengan tanda-tanda yang jelas menunjukkan 'penyakit buah pinggang', kaki,perut, muka dan badan bengkak, air kecing mengandungan darah. Dan setelah membuat analisa dengan teliti doktor telah mengesahkan bahawa mengikut X-Ray,scan dan sebagainya, pesakit , MR NAND telah mengalami 'Renal Failure' dan memerlukan Dialysis buah pinggang secepat mungkin.
Mr.NAND cukup takut kepada dialisis kerana sebelum ini beliau telah lihat sendiri bahawa kakaknya juga meninggal dunia setelah satu tahun membuat dialisis.
Beliau takut lalu berjumpa dengan Prof Nik Omar seorang pakar homeopathy untuk mendengar pendapatnya.
Setelah perbincangan berlaku, beliau mengambil keputusan untuk katanya untuk 'mati dirumah' dan bertawakal untuk berubat dengan Prof Nik Omar.
Dengan beberap diet serta peraturan yang telah ditetapkan Mr NAND telah mula menjalani terapi homeopathy dengan formula baru 'Trinity of Homeopathy'
Dengan mengamalkan ubat-ubat yang dibekalkan seperti' Aconite, Belladonna, Apis Mel., Ars Alb., Hellebore, Cham., Bryonia, Lyco., Calendula, China Off, Spigelia' dengan kaedah permakanan yang khusus, dalam tempuh 3 bulan MR NAND telah pulih sepenuhnya dari tanda-tanda penyakit yang dialami sebelum ini.
Bila beliau kembali semula menemui 'doktor' di hospital tersebut, doktor hairan, bahawa dengan gejala-gejala dan tanda-tanda yang teruk sewaktu meninggalkan hospital, beliau sangka Mr NAND telah pun 'mati' tetapi Tuhan masih sayang MR NAND dan dia sembuh dan sihat sehingga ke hari ini.
Allah Maha Besar !!
Kita Ikhtiar Tuah Menyembuhkan !
Dalam hal-hal sebegini, kita hairan, masih ramai lagi orang-orang tidak percaya keupayaan penyembuhan yang ada pada ubat homeopathy.
Mereka masih tidak yakin, dan tidak percaya.
Apa salahnya kalau mereka sekadar memcuba dan berikhtiar secara homeopathy sebelum membuat sebarang dialysis.
sebab kami cukup yakin dengan adanya lebih dari 100 jenis ubat-ubat homeopathy untuk 'Penyakit Buah Pinggang', kita cukup yakin, bahawa rawatan homeopathy berupaya memberi rawatan alternatif yang baik kepada pesakit-pesakit Buah Pinggang.
Bacaan Lanjutan:
Cancer & Homeopathy Treatment
Sme of The Cancer cases Cured With Homeopathic Treatment by Eli G Jone of USA
Case No.1. Cancer of Breast
By: Dr B.R. Chugha
Chief Medical Officer, Govt. Homeopathic General Hospital, India.
The disease started a year and half before she consulted me. In narrating her history she told me that she suffered from penumonia some time back and was given a number of penicillin injection. Six months after she was cured of this pneumonia she began to feel some irritation in both the breast. At first she thought that it was only a case of ordinary itching for which she started applying some ordinary medicines on them.
A short time later the irritation subsided giving place to a small nodule which continued to grow bigger and bigger in spite of repeated application of hot poultices, etc. It was supposed to be an ordinary boil in the beginning. She consulted an alloptahic doctor, who dignosed it as a cold tumor.
The doctor, prescribed some medicines both for internal and external use, the internal being one of the 'Sulpha group. The result was that the so called cold tumor instead of yielding to the treatment continude to grow as ever before. Other symptoms like burning in urination and pain in the breasts also apperead.
Further diagnosis revealed that it was a case of cancer. X-Ray treatment was given but with no effect. Penicillin injections were also tried. Ultimately it was decidedd to operate upon it. By this time the breast had become very loose and enlarged and the fibrous growth was of the size of a small orange in each breast.
At this stage some one suggested that before operation, why not try homeopathy. This agreed upon she came to me for consultation and treatment. After a careful study of her symptoms and her history I came to the conclusion that it was a case of suppressed 'psora and sycosis and penicillin injections had added fuel to the fire. Further examination also revealed that there was pus in urine.
I have gave 'Phytolacca IM one dose every week for 3 months. The hard mass in the breast had become slightly softer.
The next step I gave 'Thuja 1M'. After one week or so the aggravation came on and the pateint was very restless and could get very litte sleep. The amount of pus in the urine had considerably increased and some cough also appeared. But I knew that all this was the result of my medicine.
Burning and pain subsided after about a month and there was hardly and trace of pus in urine. All the same 'Thuja 1M' was continued for another two months. After the expiry of six months, the two malignant growths had begun to show signsn of subsiding. The were looking much smaller than before.
For another two months I changed the medicine to Causticum. At the ednd of this period the two growths were reduced to the size of a pea-nut.
On the ten months I gave Conium 1M and she was now practically cured.
Further Reading
Case No.1. Cancer of Breast
By: Dr B.R. Chugha
Chief Medical Officer, Govt. Homeopathic General Hospital, India.
The disease started a year and half before she consulted me. In narrating her history she told me that she suffered from penumonia some time back and was given a number of penicillin injection. Six months after she was cured of this pneumonia she began to feel some irritation in both the breast. At first she thought that it was only a case of ordinary itching for which she started applying some ordinary medicines on them.
A short time later the irritation subsided giving place to a small nodule which continued to grow bigger and bigger in spite of repeated application of hot poultices, etc. It was supposed to be an ordinary boil in the beginning. She consulted an alloptahic doctor, who dignosed it as a cold tumor.
The doctor, prescribed some medicines both for internal and external use, the internal being one of the 'Sulpha group. The result was that the so called cold tumor instead of yielding to the treatment continude to grow as ever before. Other symptoms like burning in urination and pain in the breasts also apperead.
Further diagnosis revealed that it was a case of cancer. X-Ray treatment was given but with no effect. Penicillin injections were also tried. Ultimately it was decidedd to operate upon it. By this time the breast had become very loose and enlarged and the fibrous growth was of the size of a small orange in each breast.
At this stage some one suggested that before operation, why not try homeopathy. This agreed upon she came to me for consultation and treatment. After a careful study of her symptoms and her history I came to the conclusion that it was a case of suppressed 'psora and sycosis and penicillin injections had added fuel to the fire. Further examination also revealed that there was pus in urine.
I have gave 'Phytolacca IM one dose every week for 3 months. The hard mass in the breast had become slightly softer.
The next step I gave 'Thuja 1M'. After one week or so the aggravation came on and the pateint was very restless and could get very litte sleep. The amount of pus in the urine had considerably increased and some cough also appeared. But I knew that all this was the result of my medicine.
Burning and pain subsided after about a month and there was hardly and trace of pus in urine. All the same 'Thuja 1M' was continued for another two months. After the expiry of six months, the two malignant growths had begun to show signsn of subsiding. The were looking much smaller than before.
For another two months I changed the medicine to Causticum. At the ednd of this period the two growths were reduced to the size of a pea-nut.
On the ten months I gave Conium 1M and she was now practically cured.
Further Reading
Hepatitis Can Be Cured Through Homeopathy
Hepatitis Can Be Cured With Homeopathic Treatment
As we all know, there is no medicine for hepatitis in Western Medicine ?
Do you know that homeopathic system of medication has more than 100 remedies for jaundice and hepatitis ?
Do you know that hepatitis can be cured through homeopathy ?
Here we are listing some of the remedies:-
There are few common Homoepathic remedies which are very effective in treating liver problems especially hepatitis.
The list of remedies commonly used ;
. Aconite Napellus is good at the beginning stage, especially for newly born babies suffering from jaundice.
Chelidonium - yellow faces and stitching pain in liver.
China Off- is normally prescribed for constipation,pale or yellow urine.
Merc. Sol - it is good for yellowish skin ,brownish urine, hoarse voices.
Phosphorus - best severe pain in the liver on lying on right side and also for cirrhosis.
Crotalus Horeidus-It is meant for chronic jaundice.
and many more homoepathic remedies which are very effective in treating hepatitis either A,B or C.
Further Reading;
As we all know, there is no medicine for hepatitis in Western Medicine ?
Do you know that homeopathic system of medication has more than 100 remedies for jaundice and hepatitis ?
Do you know that hepatitis can be cured through homeopathy ?
Here we are listing some of the remedies:-
There are few common Homoepathic remedies which are very effective in treating liver problems especially hepatitis.
The list of remedies commonly used ;
. Aconite Napellus is good at the beginning stage, especially for newly born babies suffering from jaundice.
Chelidonium - yellow faces and stitching pain in liver.
China Off- is normally prescribed for constipation,pale or yellow urine.
Merc. Sol - it is good for yellowish skin ,brownish urine, hoarse voices.
Phosphorus - best severe pain in the liver on lying on right side and also for cirrhosis.
Crotalus Horeidus-It is meant for chronic jaundice.
and many more homoepathic remedies which are very effective in treating hepatitis either A,B or C.
Further Reading;
Homeopathic Organization In Malaysia
The National Homeopathic Medical Organization In Malaysia
The Most active Homeopathic Association In Malaysia
Many Activities
Look Forward
see our web
The Old Story of Homeopathic Success In Treating Infertility
To all my colleagues, friends and my students all over the boy.
This is The History of 35 years of My Homeopatic Practise
By Prof Dr Nik Omar
On the fist year of my practice in early 1977 at Kota Bharu Kelantan. I have treated my first patient of Infertility. Both husband and wife married for last 4 years without any children. I was very young and was not married at that time.
It puzzle me for a while as I was a young homeopath with no experience at any in such cases. But I manage to carry on my job as , just follow the tenets of homeopathy - Similar Similibus Curentur.
You know after nearly one year of consultation and prescribing, at last the wife [ I call 'Miracle Mother] were pregnant. She delivered a baby girl in end 1978. The mother insist me to give the name and I gave it as " Nuhidayah" meaning She Who Give The Blessing.
Suprising last year 2008, I met with this 'Miracle Mother' at one of a relative of mine and she ask me some medication for 'Family Planning'. I aske her why, she said that after her first delivery in 1978, she keep on producing almost one baby a year and now she is having 8 children and she is tired of producing more.
The poitts worth to mention here is that 'Homeopathy Do Works Well With Infertility Cases' and Homeopathy is Really Home Truth
Further Reading
This is The History of 35 years of My Homeopatic Practise
By Prof Dr Nik Omar
On the fist year of my practice in early 1977 at Kota Bharu Kelantan. I have treated my first patient of Infertility. Both husband and wife married for last 4 years without any children. I was very young and was not married at that time.
It puzzle me for a while as I was a young homeopath with no experience at any in such cases. But I manage to carry on my job as , just follow the tenets of homeopathy - Similar Similibus Curentur.
You know after nearly one year of consultation and prescribing, at last the wife [ I call 'Miracle Mother] were pregnant. She delivered a baby girl in end 1978. The mother insist me to give the name and I gave it as " Nuhidayah" meaning She Who Give The Blessing.
Suprising last year 2008, I met with this 'Miracle Mother' at one of a relative of mine and she ask me some medication for 'Family Planning'. I aske her why, she said that after her first delivery in 1978, she keep on producing almost one baby a year and now she is having 8 children and she is tired of producing more.
The poitts worth to mention here is that 'Homeopathy Do Works Well With Infertility Cases' and Homeopathy is Really Home Truth
Further Reading
Penemuan Baru Homeopati Rawatan Mandul
Petikan Majalah Perempuan, Januari 1993
Penemuan Baru pakar-pakar
Teknik Homeopati Rawat MANDUL
Anak atau anak-anak merupakan sutau anugerah Illahi yang tidak ternilai kepada manusia. Keriangan dan tangisan anak-anak merupakan hiburan yang tidak ternilai bagi ibubapa penyayang.
Tetapi berlainan sekali dengan pasangan yang lambat mendapat cahaya mata. Mereka menjadi gelisah menanti hari-hari dimana mereka dikurniakan anak.
Kini, anda tidak perlu bimbang lagi, kerana satu penemuan baru yang dipelupori oleh Prof Dr Nik Omar, seorang pakar perubatan homeopati dan juga seorang pengasas Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy di Malaysia, telah berjaya menemui satu kaedah baru merawat kes-kes mandul dengan cara rawatan menggunakan ubat-ubat homeopati yang terpileh dari Germany.
Kaedah HTI P 2000 atau 'Homeopathic Therapeutic of Infertility' ini berlandaskan rawatan semulajadi dengan memakan ubat-ubat homeopati yang serasi dan tidak ada kesan sampingan. Rawatan ini memakan masa lebih kurang 8 hingga 12 bulan untuk melihatkan hasil.
Namun dalam setengah kes memadai memakan ubat homeopati selama 2 hingga 3 bulan, dimana ibu tersebut sudah disahkan hamil !
Kaedah HTI P3 ini boleh dikatakan amat memuaskan dan dalam masa 5 tahun lebih dari 200 pasangan telah pun berjaya mendapat anak melalui ujian-ujian ini.
- Majalah perempuan Januari 1993
Infertility Success With Homeopathy

Today Case
Dr Nik Omar Homeopathic Medical Centre
No.1-1, jalan 9/9C Pusat bandar Baru, Bangi, Selangor,
Infertilty: 5 Years Married , Managed To Get Two Children
Bangi :11 January 2009
This morning: 10.00 am sharp, a coule came to my clinic at Bangi, and request me to give special medication to get the 3rd 'child'. Both of them showed me two boys they got earlier, when they first consulted us for for infertility treatment for the last 15 years ago.
Mr Ahamad and Mrs Aminah were married five year without any children, they have taken various treatment but failed to conceive. They came to my Kuala Lumpur HQ clinic and after 3 months of consultation and medication, the wife was pregnant and they got one boy.
Three year later they came back to take the same treatment and after two months of homeopathic medication, she again conveived and got another boy.
Suprising this morning, the same couple came back to me 'TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD ' perhaps this time, they wish to have 'a girl'
It was much astonished and suprised to meet this couple again after 10 years, they came back to me, to get another baby, and I am ready , perparing the good homeopathic medication based on Similar Similibus Curentur to give them another baby by next year
Thanks, further reading
Dapatkan Anak Anda dengan Klinik Kesuburan Homewopathy Dr Nik Omar. Jangan tunggu lama-lama, pengalaman kami dapat membantu para ibu yang masih belum mendapat zuriat. Hubungi kami secepat mungkin. Kita Ikhtiar Allah Menyembuhka - Al Syafiq -Dia Yang Menyembuhkan !
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Problem of Genitalia That Can Be Treated With Homeopathy
Male Genital / Male sexual Organs
Diseases That Can Be Treated
Gonorrhoea., Syhpilis, Problem of Penis, No Sperm Azoospermia, Low Sperm., Oligospermia, Cancer of Penis, Cancer of Testis, Problem of Coition, Impotence, Weakness of Erection, Premature Ejeculation, Penis getting smaller and smaller ( shrinking), Sexual desire Increased, Buring of the gland during erectuion, after effect of gonorrhoea, hydrocele, orchitis., masturbation (onani), penis absent, penis cool, penis burning, penis small, seminal emission almost every night, Itching of penis, swelling of penis, swelling of testis, spermatorrhoea, pollution, problem of prostate, emission with violent erection, testicle atrophy, general emaciation of penis, hydrocele, Varicocele, testicle swollen, pressure and tension of testes.
All this type of genital problem responded very well with homeopathic medication.
Malasalah-masalah yang disebut diatas merupakan sebahagian dari penyakit-penaykit yang dapat dirawat melalui kaedah perubatan homeopatiJika tidak ada sila hubungi 019-9401915
Sila cari seorang doktor homeopati yang baik dan bertauliah untuk mendapatkan khidmat nasihat.
Diseases Responded With Homeopathic Treatment
Mind, Barin & Nervous System
( Masalah Fikiran, Tekanan Jiea/ Sakit Jiwa / Sakit Urat Saraf)
Absent-Minded / Forgetfulness, Abusiveness / Anger / Achololism, Annonyance, Violent anger, Fear of Death, Fear in Street, Fear of Darkness, Fear of Ghost, Delusion, Confusion, Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, Deceiving, Hysteria, Coma, Lack of Concentration, Forgetfullness, Confusion, Contradiction, Convulsion, Desire of Death, Fear of, Longing for, Deceiving, Delirium, hallucination, Illusion, See animals, vision of animals, dogs, ghost, etc., Demetia Precox, Loss of Intellect, Loss of Memory, Depression, Desire, Craving to eats, Destructive, Slow Development in Children, Autism, Epilepsy, Fits, Fainting, Fear of Death, Fear Dead, Forgetfullness, Mistakes, Guilty Conscience, Home Sickness, Hyrophobia, Idiocy, Insanity, Paralysis, Numbness of fingers, limbs, etc, Nervousness
Those Diseases mention can be treated with homeopathic Medication according to Law of Similar.
Such as: Ignatia, Nux Vom., Silicea., Acon., Bryonia, Rhgus Tox., Conium, Thuja, Sulphur, sepia, Puls, Graph., Hyos., Coffea, Alumina, Cham.
{ NB Must be prescribie by Qualified Homeopathic Physician}
( Masalah Fikiran, Tekanan Jiea/ Sakit Jiwa / Sakit Urat Saraf)
Absent-Minded / Forgetfulness, Abusiveness / Anger / Achololism, Annonyance, Violent anger, Fear of Death, Fear in Street, Fear of Darkness, Fear of Ghost, Delusion, Confusion, Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, Deceiving, Hysteria, Coma, Lack of Concentration, Forgetfullness, Confusion, Contradiction, Convulsion, Desire of Death, Fear of, Longing for, Deceiving, Delirium, hallucination, Illusion, See animals, vision of animals, dogs, ghost, etc., Demetia Precox, Loss of Intellect, Loss of Memory, Depression, Desire, Craving to eats, Destructive, Slow Development in Children, Autism, Epilepsy, Fits, Fainting, Fear of Death, Fear Dead, Forgetfullness, Mistakes, Guilty Conscience, Home Sickness, Hyrophobia, Idiocy, Insanity, Paralysis, Numbness of fingers, limbs, etc, Nervousness
Those Diseases mention can be treated with homeopathic Medication according to Law of Similar.
Penyakit yang disenaraikan diatas sesuai digunakan ubat-ubat homeopati pilihan sperti dibawah ini.
Such as: Ignatia, Nux Vom., Silicea., Acon., Bryonia, Rhgus Tox., Conium, Thuja, Sulphur, sepia, Puls, Graph., Hyos., Coffea, Alumina, Cham.
{ NB Must be prescribie by Qualified Homeopathic Physician}
Summer / Dry Season at Our Main Campus at Gelang Mas, Kelantan

You can seethe beauty of Homeopathic Medical College & Homeopathic Health Resort at gelang Mas during Summer Season from January till November every Year.
Pesekitarn dan laman Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia di Gelang Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia merupakan salah satu laman yang cukup menarik dan sedap mata memandang.
Jika anda masuk kedalam kolej kami anda akan terpukau dengan pemandangan seolah-olah anda berada di sebuah perkampongan Swizerland atau perkampongan di Europah. Dengan susunan bunga serta seni bina bangunannya yang unik ala melayu Nusantara, sekali pandang seakan-akan anda berada di Bali. Namun ukiran Melayu Kelantan menjadi daya tarikan tersendiri disetiap sudut bangunan didalam taman ini.
Anatara Seni Ukiran menarik yang terdapat di taman ini ialah:
* Pintu Ukiran 3 Dimesni dari Kudus
* Pintu Ukiran Dari Jokjakarta
* Pintu 200 tahun dari Istana Kelantan dahulu
* Pintu-Pintu Bali yang tersusun indah
* Pasu-pasu bunga dari berbagai negara seperti Pasu Bali, Pasu kemboja, Pasu Vietnam, Laos, Pasu Sayong Perak, dll
* Jendela ala Tudor dari Spanyol
* Jendela rumah Kelantan dahulu
* Ukiran 'semeleh' Kayu di atap rumah
* Gazebo yang berbagai bentuk
* Jugjlo Jawa yang menarik.
Flood at Our Campus 2008 & 2009
It is interesting to note that The State of Kelantan will be having 'Flood Season' in the months of November and december every year.
Our Campus at Gelang Mas too will be enjoying a five days Water Trail
The First Phase of Flood heat us n 6th till 10 Nov 2008
and the Second phase heat us on 3rd till 6th Januray 2009.
That It. It's is apleasure for our boys to enjoy the Flood Fiesta for 4 to 5 days every year.
Picture 2nd Flood on 3rd jan., 2009

First phase of Flood heat on 6th Nov., 2008

Staffs & Lecturers at Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia & Nik Omar Homeopathic Medical Centre

Photos: On Top Dr Mrs Hajjah Faridah (Manager FAHOM Kuala Lumpur), Prof Dr Nik Omar ( Director), Hom Bazilah ( Damansara Utama Uptown), Hom Nik Sufian ( It & Programmer at FAHOM ), Dr Hajjah Zaharah ( Manager HQ Gelang Mas)., Dr Nik Fairuz ( Registrar RIMAC at Gelang Mas), Hom Nik Badrul Hakim ( Head Malay Department)., Hom Noriszarina bt Ishak ( Head of Islamic Deprtment FAHOM)., Hom Nik Lukman Hakim ( Head Scienec Department), Mrs Gigi, Mrs Aini, Mrs Rubiah.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Field Marshal Ayub Khan, The Ex President of Pakistan

From The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia Library
The Saying of
Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan, Ex -The President of Pakistan
" Ours is a large and developing country where disease and poverty are wide spread. Eradication of disease and amelioration of the suffering is not the monopoly of a particular system of medicines or group of workers. There is plenty of room for contribution towards attainment of the objective from any course."
" My countrymen ! God has given you an excellent opportunity to serve your nation through homeopathic medicine. make full use of it and complete the task assigned to you with devotion, honesty and sincerity."
He, as a disciple of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, (who had started his homeopathic mission in 1867) the Homeopathic Act in 1965 after 99 years )
NB: Prof Dr Nik Omar bin Haji Nik Daud was a graduate from Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College & Homeopathic Trust Hospital, Lahore. Prof Nik has read through the History and Culture of Pakistan while he was a student at pakistan 1970-1975
Did You Know That Homeopathy.....

Did you Know
Mahatma Gandhi, said of Homeopathy "it cures a larger percentage of cases than any other method of treatment and is beyond all doubt, safer, more economical and the most complete medical science."
Over 30 million people across Europe use Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is used by Royals, entertainers, sportpeople, actors and politicians.
The British Royal Family, Sir Paul McCartney, David Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Zeta Jones, Martin Sheen, Tony Blair and Bill Clinton all use Homeopathy.
It has been used by such luminaries as Mother Teresa, Florence Nightingal., W.B. Yeats.
Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet and Pierre Renoir are also among a long list of famous people who supported Homeopathy.
40 % US Citizen Use Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine News
Almost 40 Percent in US Use Alternative Medicine
Category: Alternative Medicine News
Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 4:19:01 PM
Nearly 40 percent of adults and 12 percent of children in the United States use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), according to an annual, nationwide government survey published Wednesday.
The 2007 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for the first time included children aged 17 and under who used non-conventional medical treatment including herbal supplements, meditation, chiropractic and acupuncture.
The survey questioned more than 23,000 adults and 9,400 parents on behalf a child about their health and the therapeutic treatment they were receiving.
The questionnaire included 36 types of commonly used CAM therapies in the United States: 10 types of provider-based therapies, such as acupuncture and chiropractic, and 26 other therapies that do not require a provider, such as herbal supplements and meditation.
A comparison of the 2007 CAM survey to the first one conducted in 2002 suggests that overall use of alternative medicine among US adults has remained relatively steady -- 36 percent in 2002 and 38 percent in 2007.
The latest survey, however, found "significant increases" in some types of CAM including deep breathing exercises, meditation, massage therapy and yoga.
Among adults in 2007, 17.7 percent used natural products including fish oil/omega 3/DHA, glucosamine, echinacea, flaxseed oil or pills, and ginseng.
The next most popular therapies included deep breathing exercises (12.7 percent), meditation (9.4 percent), chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (8.6 percent), massage (8.3 percent) and yoga (6.1 percent).
Among the 12 percent of children who resorted to CAM, the most prevalent therapies were natural products -- fish oil/omega 3/DHA and flaxseed oil -- (3.9 percent), chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (2.8 percent) deep breathing exercises (2.2 percent) and yoga (2.1 percent).
Also consistent with the 2002 data, the 2007 survey showed CAM use among adults was greater among women than men (42.8 to 33.5 percent), among older people than younger (30-39 years: 39.6 percent, 40-49 years: 40.1 percent, 50-59 years: 44.1 percent), and among people with higher levels of education (55.4 percent).
"These statistics confirm that CAM practices are a frequently used component of Americans' health care regimens, and reinforce the need for rigorous research to study the safety and effectiveness of these therapies," said Josephine Briggs, director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which developed the survey.
"The data also point out the need for patients and health care providers to openly discuss CAM use to ensure safe and coordinated care," Briggs said.
Homeopathy get Big Boost In Southern Indian State
Alternative Medicine News
Homeopathy will receive a big boost in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Hospitals offering homeopathic treatment are to be set up all over the state.
President of the Karnataka Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine Veerabramhachary said Sunday that the state government proposed to set up at least one 25-bed homoeopathic hospital in every district headquarters, and one 10-bed homeopathic hospital in every taluk headquarters. As of now there are 10 such hospitals in the state.
Inaugurating a seminar on the homoeopathic system of medicine at Davangere in central Karnataka, Veerabramhachary said there was need to do a lot more as the public demand for homeopathy was constantly increasing all over the country.
He also said there were over 2,60,000 homoeopathic doctors in India and over 9,000 registered doctors in the state. Of the 9,000 doctors, 3,500 were full-time, he said and added that there were 12 private homeopathy colleges in the state and one government college in the state.
Veerabrahmachary went on to note, “It is an established fact that homoeopathic treatment is extremely effective even for diseases where no ostensible cure is available in allopathy or other systems of medicine. Homoeopathy stands second in the world in terms of application among various systems of medicine such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga and Naturopathy.”
Still the system had not been accorded its due importance by either the federal government or by the state governments anywhere in the country, he regretted.
The two-day seminar will discuss, among other things, the role of homeopathy in addressing behavioural patterns among children and infertility.
Homeopathy to Get Big Boost in Southern Indian State
Category: Alternative Medicine News
Monday, December 31, 2007 at 1:53:45 PM
Homeopathy will receive a big boost in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Hospitals offering homeopathic treatment are to be set up all over the state.
President of the Karnataka Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine Veerabramhachary said Sunday that the state government proposed to set up at least one 25-bed homoeopathic hospital in every district headquarters, and one 10-bed homeopathic hospital in every taluk headquarters. As of now there are 10 such hospitals in the state.
Inaugurating a seminar on the homoeopathic system of medicine at Davangere in central Karnataka, Veerabramhachary said there was need to do a lot more as the public demand for homeopathy was constantly increasing all over the country.
He also said there were over 2,60,000 homoeopathic doctors in India and over 9,000 registered doctors in the state. Of the 9,000 doctors, 3,500 were full-time, he said and added that there were 12 private homeopathy colleges in the state and one government college in the state.
Veerabrahmachary went on to note, “It is an established fact that homoeopathic treatment is extremely effective even for diseases where no ostensible cure is available in allopathy or other systems of medicine. Homoeopathy stands second in the world in terms of application among various systems of medicine such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga and Naturopathy.”
Still the system had not been accorded its due importance by either the federal government or by the state governments anywhere in the country, he regretted.
The two-day seminar will discuss, among other things, the role of homeopathy in addressing behavioural patterns among children and infertility.
Kidney Problems & Homeopathic Treatment
Which type of kidney patients should take Homeopathic treatment?
1. Healthy persons who have strong family history of renal failure should take classical homeopathic treatment to avoid the risk of renal failure.
2. Diabetic patients who are suffering from Hypertension also must take homeopathic treatment.
3. Persons who are having symptoms of early renal failure of unknown etiology.
4. Patients suffering from recurrent renal stone formation or having stone lodged somewhere in the ureter.
5. Kidney patients of any stage should start homeopathic treatment earliest possible for avoiding passing into the complete renal damage.
6. Patients who are taking some urine forming medicines such as Lasix, Dytor etc. should start homeopathic treatment otherwise their kidneys will have to suffer badly.
7. Patients who are on dialysis can get rid off the frequent dialysis by taking classical homeopathic treatment.
8. Patients who are waiting for renal transplantation should start homeopathic treatment which can stop the urgent need of kidney donor.
It’s mean to say that nothing is too late for classical homeopathic treatment; every patient should start it as soon as they come to know about benefits of homeopathy.
1. Healthy persons who have strong family history of renal failure should take classical homeopathic treatment to avoid the risk of renal failure.
2. Diabetic patients who are suffering from Hypertension also must take homeopathic treatment.
3. Persons who are having symptoms of early renal failure of unknown etiology.
4. Patients suffering from recurrent renal stone formation or having stone lodged somewhere in the ureter.
5. Kidney patients of any stage should start homeopathic treatment earliest possible for avoiding passing into the complete renal damage.
6. Patients who are taking some urine forming medicines such as Lasix, Dytor etc. should start homeopathic treatment otherwise their kidneys will have to suffer badly.
7. Patients who are on dialysis can get rid off the frequent dialysis by taking classical homeopathic treatment.
8. Patients who are waiting for renal transplantation should start homeopathic treatment which can stop the urgent need of kidney donor.
It’s mean to say that nothing is too late for classical homeopathic treatment; every patient should start it as soon as they come to know about benefits of homeopathy.
Homeopathic Medicine For Children and babies
Homeopathic Medicine for Children and babies
Many of the most common illnesses of childhood can be quickly and effectively treated at home with homeopathic medicines. The homeopathic approach is growing in popularity as an alternative treatment for hyperactivity in children. Homeopathy is gaining recognition in the conventional field of medicine and has been subject to many clinical trials.
Homeopathy is ideal for babies and children as it is a gentle yet highly effective system of medicine. Children respond wonderfully to simple homeopathic remedies. The mildly sweet pills, powders or liquids are easy to dispense and are more palatable than many conventional medicines. Homeopathic remedies are safe to use in the very young, including newborn babies.
Homeopathy can raise the immunity of your children to help deal with illness throughout their childhood. It can also help prevent illness and give support through difficult periods of their life. With Homeopathy children's health can improve and chronic conditions often clear up completely and never come back. It is safe with no harmful side effects.
Homeopathy cures by looking at the whole individual and can be effective in unexpected ways. If you have tried everything else and are still not in wonderful good health why not give Homeopathy a chance to help you.
Many of the most common illnesses of childhood can be quickly and effectively treated at home with homeopathic medicines. The homeopathic approach is growing in popularity as an alternative treatment for hyperactivity in children. Homeopathy is gaining recognition in the conventional field of medicine and has been subject to many clinical trials.
Homeopathy is ideal for babies and children as it is a gentle yet highly effective system of medicine. Children respond wonderfully to simple homeopathic remedies. The mildly sweet pills, powders or liquids are easy to dispense and are more palatable than many conventional medicines. Homeopathic remedies are safe to use in the very young, including newborn babies.
Homeopathy can raise the immunity of your children to help deal with illness throughout their childhood. It can also help prevent illness and give support through difficult periods of their life. With Homeopathy children's health can improve and chronic conditions often clear up completely and never come back. It is safe with no harmful side effects.
Homeopathy cures by looking at the whole individual and can be effective in unexpected ways. If you have tried everything else and are still not in wonderful good health why not give Homeopathy a chance to help you.
Rawatan Homeopathy Untuk Kanak-Kanak
Sememangnya ubat-ubat homeopati memang amat sesuai digunakan untuk sebarang penyakit kanak-kanak. Penyakit kuning, sakit perut, anak-anak menangis, anak autisma, hyperactive, tidak boleh berjalan, lambat bercakap memang sesuai gun ubat-ubat Homeopati. Selamat mencuba.
Asthma and Homeopathic Treatment

Asthma is a respiratory disease in which spasm and constriction of the bronchial passages and swelling of their mucous lining cause obstruction of breathing. A typical asthma attack often begins with a cold or cough, which develops into a feeling of suffocation, labored breathing, wheezing, breathlessness and anxiety. It is a condition in which breathing becomes difficult. People with asthma have inflamed, supersensitive airways that tighten and become filled with mucus during an asthma episode. Wheezing, difficulty in breathing, painless tightening of the chest, and coughing are common symptoms.
Asthma can progress through stages to become life-threatening if not controlled. The cause is often allergy, particularly to dust, animal fur or feathers, molds, and pollen. Many people with allergic asthma, also suffer from hay fever. Asthma in adults is less likely to be caused by allergy, and more likely to be associated with respiratory infections and emotional upsets. Besides common allergens, tobacco smoke, cold air, and air pollutants can trigger an asthma attack, as can respiratory infections or physical exercise that taxes the breathing. When asthma is associated with allergy to inhaled particles, avoidance of the allergen responsible is generally recommended but often difficult to achieve. Feather pillows and pets may be avoided, but dust, molds, and pollens often may not.
Conventional treatment includes oral and inhaled bronchodilators, corticosteroids. Though they give immediate relief in acute attach, they fail to give long term relief from asthma. They have to be taken repeatedly. Besides they are also having their side effects like tremors, weakness, irritability, giddiness, weight gain etc.
When treated with homeopathic medicines, patient gets long term relief from his complaints. The frequency and intensity of asthmatic attach reduces significantly. Homeopathic medicines are completely harmless, having no side effects whatsoever.
Some Usefull Remedies Suggested For asthma
Cup Met., Ipecac., Blatta O., Cooc Ind., Bryonia., Spongia, Ars Alb.
Why Homeopathy
Why Homeopathy?
No side effects.
It cures a disease, rather than merely suppressing its symptoms.
It uses only natural substances in minute doses.
It improves the body's resistance and immunity.
It ensures long-term benefits.
No complicated procedures for taking the medicines.
No bitter pills or painful injections.
It does away with unnecessary surgery.
It is cost effective.
No side effects.
It cures a disease, rather than merely suppressing its symptoms.
It uses only natural substances in minute doses.
It improves the body's resistance and immunity.
It ensures long-term benefits.
No complicated procedures for taking the medicines.
No bitter pills or painful injections.
It does away with unnecessary surgery.
It is cost effective.
Amazing Homeopathy
Amazing Homeopathy
*According to World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world's second leading system of medicine for primary health care.
**All homeopathic remedies are FDA approved drugs.
Homeopathic medicines are proven and experimented on healthy people, not on animals.
***The English Royal Family has been under homeopathic care since 1980.
****As per an independent qualitative survey, homeopathy is emerging as the first and preferred treatment for more and more people.
*****Homeopathic and allopathic treatments can co-exist. Homeopathic medicines can be consumed as you gradually wean away from allopathy.
*According to World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world's second leading system of medicine for primary health care.
**All homeopathic remedies are FDA approved drugs.
Homeopathic medicines are proven and experimented on healthy people, not on animals.
***The English Royal Family has been under homeopathic care since 1980.
****As per an independent qualitative survey, homeopathy is emerging as the first and preferred treatment for more and more people.
*****Homeopathic and allopathic treatments can co-exist. Homeopathic medicines can be consumed as you gradually wean away from allopathy.
Childbirth In Video
Chilbirth In Video
If you interested to see How A Child Was Born
See child birt Vidoe at
If you interested to see How A Child Was Born
See child birt Vidoe at
Chikungunya Fact Sheet
Chikungunya Fact Sheet
Chikungunya fever is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Chikungunya virus was first isolated from the blood of a febrile patient in Tanzania in 1953, and has since been cited as the cause of numerous human epidemics in many areas of Africa and Asia, and most recently in a limited area of Europe.
What causes chikungunya fever?
Chikungunya fever is caused by a virus which belongs to the genus Alphavirus, in the family Togaviridae.
How do humans become infected with chikungunya virus?
Humans become infected with chikungunya virus by the bite of an infected mosquito. Aedes aegypti, a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the primary vector of chikungunya virus to humans. Aedes albopictus has also played a role in human transmission.
What can people do to prevent becoming infected with chikungunya virus?
The best way to prevent chikungunya virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. There is no vaccine or preventive drug currently available. Prevention tips are similar to those for other viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, such as dengue or West Nile:
* Use insect repellent containing DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 on exposed skin. Always follow the directions on the package.
* Wear long sleeves and pants (ideally treat clothes with permethrin or another repellent).
* Have secure screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.
* Get rid of mosquito sources in your yard by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out. Keep children's wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren't being used.
* Additionally, a person with chikungunya fever should limit their exposure to mosquito bites to avoid further spreading the infection. The person should use repellents when outdoors exposed to mosquito bites or stay indoors in areas with screens or under a mosquito net.
What is the basic chikungunya virus transmission cycle?
Mosquitoes become infected with chikungunya virus when they feed on an infected person. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other humans when they bite them. Monkeys, and possibly other wild animals, may also serve as reservoirs of the virus. Aedes aegypti, a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the primary vector of chikungunya virus to humans. Aedes albopictus (the Asian tiger mosquito) has also played a role in human transmission is Asia, Africa, and Europe. Various forest-dwelling mosquito species in Africa have been found to be infected with the virus.
What type of illness does chikungunya virus cause?
Chikungunya virus infection can cause a debilitating illness, most often characterized by fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, rash, and joint pain. “Silent” chikungunya virus infections (infections without illness) do occur; but how commonly this happens is not yet known. Chikungunya virus infection (whether clinically apparent or silent) is thought to confer life-long immunity. Acute chikungunya fever typically lasts a few days to a couple of weeks, but as with dengue, West Nile fever, o'nyong-nyong fever and other arboviral fevers, some patients have prolonged fatigue lasting several weeks. Additionally, some patients have reported incapacitating joint pain, or arthritis which may last for weeks or months.
What is the incubation period for chikungunya fever?
The incubation period (time from infection to illness) can be 2-12 days, but is usually 3-7 days.
Can pregnant women become infected with chikungunya virus and pass the infection to their child?
Pregnant women can become infected with chikungunya virus during all stages of pregnancy and have symptoms similar to other individuals. Most infections will not result in the virus being transmitted to the fetus. The highest risk for infection of the fetus/child occurs when a woman has virus in her blood (viremic) at the time of delivery. There are also rare reports of first trimester abortions occurring after chikungunya infection. Pregnant women should take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. Products containing DEET can be used in pregnancy without adverse effects.
Can the virus be transmitted to a child by breastfeeding?
Currently, there is no evidence that the virus is transmitted through breast milk
What is the mortality rate of chikungunya fever?
Fatalities related to chikungunya virus are rare and appear to be associated to increased age.
How is chikungunya virus infection treated?
There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment currently available for chikungunya fever. Treatment is symptomatic and can include rest, fluids, and medicines to relieve symptoms of fever and aching such as ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or paracetamol. Aspirin should be avoided. Infected persons should be protected from further mosquito exposure (staying indoors in areas with screens and/or under a mosquito net) during the first few days of the illness so they can not contribute to the transmission cycle.
Where does chikungunya virus occur?
The geographic range of the virus is primarily in Africa and Asia. For information on current outbreaks, consult CDC’s Travelers’ Health website ( Given the current large chikungunya virus epidemics and the world wide distribution of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, there is a risk of importation of chikungunya virus into new areas by infected travelers.
Page last modified: March 4, 2008
Content Source:
Division of Vector Borne Infectious Diseases
National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases
Can Homeopathic Medication Cure Chikungunya
We advise all our patient to go to GovernmentGeneral Hospital first whenever you suffered from this deadly disease. You may come after you get the first emergency treatemnt at the hospital to complete the process of cure by homeopathy.
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Chikungunya fever is a viral disease transmitted to humans by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Chikungunya virus was first isolated from the blood of a febrile patient in Tanzania in 1953, and has since been cited as the cause of numerous human epidemics in many areas of Africa and Asia, and most recently in a limited area of Europe.
What causes chikungunya fever?
Chikungunya fever is caused by a virus which belongs to the genus Alphavirus, in the family Togaviridae.
How do humans become infected with chikungunya virus?
Humans become infected with chikungunya virus by the bite of an infected mosquito. Aedes aegypti, a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the primary vector of chikungunya virus to humans. Aedes albopictus has also played a role in human transmission.
What can people do to prevent becoming infected with chikungunya virus?
The best way to prevent chikungunya virus infection is to avoid mosquito bites. There is no vaccine or preventive drug currently available. Prevention tips are similar to those for other viral diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, such as dengue or West Nile:
* Use insect repellent containing DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, or IR3535 on exposed skin. Always follow the directions on the package.
* Wear long sleeves and pants (ideally treat clothes with permethrin or another repellent).
* Have secure screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out.
* Get rid of mosquito sources in your yard by emptying standing water from flower pots, buckets and barrels. Change the water in pet dishes and replace the water in bird baths weekly. Drill holes in tire swings so water drains out. Keep children's wading pools empty and on their sides when they aren't being used.
* Additionally, a person with chikungunya fever should limit their exposure to mosquito bites to avoid further spreading the infection. The person should use repellents when outdoors exposed to mosquito bites or stay indoors in areas with screens or under a mosquito net.
What is the basic chikungunya virus transmission cycle?
Mosquitoes become infected with chikungunya virus when they feed on an infected person. Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to other humans when they bite them. Monkeys, and possibly other wild animals, may also serve as reservoirs of the virus. Aedes aegypti, a household container breeder and aggressive daytime biter which is attracted to humans, is the primary vector of chikungunya virus to humans. Aedes albopictus (the Asian tiger mosquito) has also played a role in human transmission is Asia, Africa, and Europe. Various forest-dwelling mosquito species in Africa have been found to be infected with the virus.
What type of illness does chikungunya virus cause?
Chikungunya virus infection can cause a debilitating illness, most often characterized by fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain, rash, and joint pain. “Silent” chikungunya virus infections (infections without illness) do occur; but how commonly this happens is not yet known. Chikungunya virus infection (whether clinically apparent or silent) is thought to confer life-long immunity. Acute chikungunya fever typically lasts a few days to a couple of weeks, but as with dengue, West Nile fever, o'nyong-nyong fever and other arboviral fevers, some patients have prolonged fatigue lasting several weeks. Additionally, some patients have reported incapacitating joint pain, or arthritis which may last for weeks or months.
What is the incubation period for chikungunya fever?
The incubation period (time from infection to illness) can be 2-12 days, but is usually 3-7 days.
Can pregnant women become infected with chikungunya virus and pass the infection to their child?
Pregnant women can become infected with chikungunya virus during all stages of pregnancy and have symptoms similar to other individuals. Most infections will not result in the virus being transmitted to the fetus. The highest risk for infection of the fetus/child occurs when a woman has virus in her blood (viremic) at the time of delivery. There are also rare reports of first trimester abortions occurring after chikungunya infection. Pregnant women should take precautions to avoid mosquito bites. Products containing DEET can be used in pregnancy without adverse effects.
Can the virus be transmitted to a child by breastfeeding?
Currently, there is no evidence that the virus is transmitted through breast milk
What is the mortality rate of chikungunya fever?
Fatalities related to chikungunya virus are rare and appear to be associated to increased age.
How is chikungunya virus infection treated?
There is no vaccine or specific antiviral treatment currently available for chikungunya fever. Treatment is symptomatic and can include rest, fluids, and medicines to relieve symptoms of fever and aching such as ibuprofen, naproxen, acetaminophen, or paracetamol. Aspirin should be avoided. Infected persons should be protected from further mosquito exposure (staying indoors in areas with screens and/or under a mosquito net) during the first few days of the illness so they can not contribute to the transmission cycle.
Where does chikungunya virus occur?
The geographic range of the virus is primarily in Africa and Asia. For information on current outbreaks, consult CDC’s Travelers’ Health website ( Given the current large chikungunya virus epidemics and the world wide distribution of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, there is a risk of importation of chikungunya virus into new areas by infected travelers.
Page last modified: March 4, 2008
Content Source:
Division of Vector Borne Infectious Diseases
National Center for Zoonotic, Vector-Borne, and Enteric Diseases
Can Homeopathic Medication Cure Chikungunya
We advise all our patient to go to GovernmentGeneral Hospital first whenever you suffered from this deadly disease. You may come after you get the first emergency treatemnt at the hospital to complete the process of cure by homeopathy.
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Chikungunya and Homeopathic Treatment
Chikungunya outbreaks in Indonesia
Chikungunya Strike Karimun
on Wednesday, October 08 2008
KARIMUN (BP) — Sedikitnya 10 villagers Pangke, Kecamatan Meral, of Karimun were in a last week attacked by the illness chikungu him. ”Penyakit that began to spread since the last one weeks, in the Meral Subdistrict at this time had data collected on it two villages that already terjangkit the illness, first in the Pangke Village totalling 10 people and in the Sidorejo Village totalling 7 orang,” said the Head of the Meral Community Health Centre, Rusdi Hendra, in the Meral Community Health Centre, yesterday. Rusdi expected the sufferer's family that was attacked by the illness, to have to not panic because of the cause virus chikungu him that will be lost automatically in several days. ”Masa his incubation around two to four days, his cause the virus alphavirus that was spread through the mosquitoes bite from the Aedes Aegypti species.
Although being caused by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes but being not as serious as DBD (dengue fever dengue fever), this illness will be lost with sendirinya,” he explained.
He explained about 17 residents that suffered chikungu him, at this time was undergoing the recuperation stage. Asked by the characteristics about this illness, he explained initially the sufferer experienced the high fever afterwards was followed with the feeling of being sick to the muscle and the foundation, as well as happening the enlargement of the lymph gland. It was not rare that the sign of the foundation and the muscle of pain were very dominant and until caused temporary paralysis.
Moreover, he said although this illness was not so dangerous, the Community Health Centre side continued to take the step in anticipation by carrying out spraying and abatenisasi in the two villages.
I be hit by as a family, initially my wife who was attacked by the illness in the second Ramadan week, afterwards my child and finally saya,” he said. (ant)
At least 10 residents Pangke Village, Kecamatan Meral, Karimun were
attacked by chikungunya disease [virus]. "The illness began to
spread, since a week ago, in the Meral Subdistrict. The data
collected indicate that [people in] 2 villages have already been
infected with the illness [virus], 1st in the Pangke Village
totalling 10 people and in the Sidorejo Village totalling 7 people,"
said the Head of the Meral Community Health Centre, Rusdi Hendra, in
the Meral Community Health Centre, yesterday [7 Oct 2008].
Rusdi expected the [families of those persons who are ill], to not
panic because the virus that causes chikungunya will disappear by
itself in several days. "The incubation period is approximately 2-4
days. The virus that causes the spread [of disease] is an alphavirus
transmitted by mosquito bites of the _Aedes aegypti_ species.
He explained that the 17 residents who are suffering chikungunya
[disease] are currently recuperating. Asked about the characteristics
of the disease, he explained, the patient initially experienced high
fever, followed by pain in muscles and joints, and lymph gland
enlargement. Not infrequently, the symptoms of pain in the joints and
muscles are very dominant and sufficient to cause temporary paralysis
[probably inability or unwillingness to move because of the pain. - Mod.TY].
In addition, he said although the disease is not so dangerous [as
dengue], health authorities still are taking steps in anticipation
and are spraying and [treating water catchments with] abate in 2 of
the villages.
Chikungunya and Homeopathic Trteatment.
Today 10 January 2009 I have received about 5 cases of Chikungunya in my Kg Baru clinic. It was suprised that in a day time, I received such a large number of cases. On taking the cvase I was understood that almost all the patient has been to General Hospital for the traetemnt, but still, after few weeks of treatment, the symptoms of chinkungu ia there with general weakness , pain all over the joints, very weak, feversish satet and some with loss of memory, anxiery and panic disorder
The symptom seem to be similar like Euportarium Perf and China Off.
Earlier, I have given those remedies and reponded with good result.
So if you have face such problem, please remember to prescribe Euport Perf, China or Calc Carbonica.
Rawatan Homeopathy untuk Chikungnya
Thank you Prof Dr Nik Omar
Chikungunya Strike Karimun
on Wednesday, October 08 2008
KARIMUN (BP) — Sedikitnya 10 villagers Pangke, Kecamatan Meral, of Karimun were in a last week attacked by the illness chikungu him. ”Penyakit that began to spread since the last one weeks, in the Meral Subdistrict at this time had data collected on it two villages that already terjangkit the illness, first in the Pangke Village totalling 10 people and in the Sidorejo Village totalling 7 orang,” said the Head of the Meral Community Health Centre, Rusdi Hendra, in the Meral Community Health Centre, yesterday. Rusdi expected the sufferer's family that was attacked by the illness, to have to not panic because of the cause virus chikungu him that will be lost automatically in several days. ”Masa his incubation around two to four days, his cause the virus alphavirus that was spread through the mosquitoes bite from the Aedes Aegypti species.
Although being caused by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes but being not as serious as DBD (dengue fever dengue fever), this illness will be lost with sendirinya,” he explained.
He explained about 17 residents that suffered chikungu him, at this time was undergoing the recuperation stage. Asked by the characteristics about this illness, he explained initially the sufferer experienced the high fever afterwards was followed with the feeling of being sick to the muscle and the foundation, as well as happening the enlargement of the lymph gland. It was not rare that the sign of the foundation and the muscle of pain were very dominant and until caused temporary paralysis.
Moreover, he said although this illness was not so dangerous, the Community Health Centre side continued to take the step in anticipation by carrying out spraying and abatenisasi in the two villages.
I be hit by as a family, initially my wife who was attacked by the illness in the second Ramadan week, afterwards my child and finally saya,” he said. (ant)
At least 10 residents Pangke Village, Kecamatan Meral, Karimun were
attacked by chikungunya disease [virus]. "The illness began to
spread, since a week ago, in the Meral Subdistrict. The data
collected indicate that [people in] 2 villages have already been
infected with the illness [virus], 1st in the Pangke Village
totalling 10 people and in the Sidorejo Village totalling 7 people,"
said the Head of the Meral Community Health Centre, Rusdi Hendra, in
the Meral Community Health Centre, yesterday [7 Oct 2008].
Rusdi expected the [families of those persons who are ill], to not
panic because the virus that causes chikungunya will disappear by
itself in several days. "The incubation period is approximately 2-4
days. The virus that causes the spread [of disease] is an alphavirus
transmitted by mosquito bites of the _Aedes aegypti_ species.
He explained that the 17 residents who are suffering chikungunya
[disease] are currently recuperating. Asked about the characteristics
of the disease, he explained, the patient initially experienced high
fever, followed by pain in muscles and joints, and lymph gland
enlargement. Not infrequently, the symptoms of pain in the joints and
muscles are very dominant and sufficient to cause temporary paralysis
[probably inability or unwillingness to move because of the pain. - Mod.TY].
In addition, he said although the disease is not so dangerous [as
dengue], health authorities still are taking steps in anticipation
and are spraying and [treating water catchments with] abate in 2 of
the villages.
Chikungunya and Homeopathic Trteatment.
Today 10 January 2009 I have received about 5 cases of Chikungunya in my Kg Baru clinic. It was suprised that in a day time, I received such a large number of cases. On taking the cvase I was understood that almost all the patient has been to General Hospital for the traetemnt, but still, after few weeks of treatment, the symptoms of chinkungu ia there with general weakness , pain all over the joints, very weak, feversish satet and some with loss of memory, anxiery and panic disorder
The symptom seem to be similar like Euportarium Perf and China Off.
Earlier, I have given those remedies and reponded with good result.
So if you have face such problem, please remember to prescribe Euport Perf, China or Calc Carbonica.
On investigation, the patient said that this disease was widely spread at Ulu Langat Distraict off Batu 18 Ulu Langat, Selangor. Many people around that area suffered from this disease.- walhaualam.
Rawatan Homeopathy untuk Chikungnya
Thank you Prof Dr Nik Omar
Friday, January 9, 2009
How Homeopathy Was Founded
How Homeopathy Was Discovered
18th century belongs to Dr Samuel hahnemann, father of Homeopathy. Hahnemann even as a child, showed great proficiency in languages. He obtained his medical degrees from University of Leipzig, Vienna and Erlangen. He soon grew to be highly respected, but the systems of medicine prevalent at that time, like bloodletting, cathartic, leeches and use of toxic chemicals, greatly disturbed him.
When Austria's King Kaiser 11 and other well known personalities died due to these treatments, Hahnemann rebelled and gave up his flourishing practice saying 'I shall not kill if I cannot cure" and preferred to be poor for upholding this principle.
Law of Similarity
Hahnemann took up the job of translator, translating medical books from English to German to eke out a living, which earned him enough to look after his large family.
It is while translating Cullen's Materia Medica, he hit upon an idea which led to his revolutionary discovery of Homeopathy. In Cullen's book, it is said that 'Chinchona Bark' or 'quinine' can cure malaria fever.
Hahnemann was not quite convinced with this explaination and decided to test the drug on himself. To his suprise, he found that he developed typical symptoms of malaria which vanished when he stopped taking the drug.
He repeated his experiment with other drugs and found out the same result. He wondered if ' the drug could produce typical symptoms in a healthy person and cure a patient with the same symptoms ?
He repeated this proving for 6 years and recorded his research and observation in detail and propounded the doctrine of ' Similar Similibus Curentur' or let likes be trated by likes or in Malay 'Persamaan dan Persamaan Menyembuahkan' atau 'keserasian'
Yes, Hahnemann tried out his law of similarity in clinical cases and found out to be very effective.
Law of Potentisation
Another observation Hahnemann made was that when several medicines were given in such concentrated doses, that they proved to be afatal at times. Son he began diluting into micro doses of drugs. The more dilute the medicine, the more potent it became !
These dilutions with minute amount of active compound were capable of producing unimaginable physical and mental changes in humans, changes that had not been noticed before ! At the same time, there were no harmful side effects and very often obviated even the need for surgery. Thus by 'diluting' which he termed succussion, he propounded the Law of potentisation.
The law of Similars and the Law of Potentisation are the two unique features of homeopathy.
Thus we can say that homeopathy was established as a system of medicine - simple, nonviolent, truly human, natural and friendly.
18th century belongs to Dr Samuel hahnemann, father of Homeopathy. Hahnemann even as a child, showed great proficiency in languages. He obtained his medical degrees from University of Leipzig, Vienna and Erlangen. He soon grew to be highly respected, but the systems of medicine prevalent at that time, like bloodletting, cathartic, leeches and use of toxic chemicals, greatly disturbed him.
When Austria's King Kaiser 11 and other well known personalities died due to these treatments, Hahnemann rebelled and gave up his flourishing practice saying 'I shall not kill if I cannot cure" and preferred to be poor for upholding this principle.
Law of Similarity
Hahnemann took up the job of translator, translating medical books from English to German to eke out a living, which earned him enough to look after his large family.
It is while translating Cullen's Materia Medica, he hit upon an idea which led to his revolutionary discovery of Homeopathy. In Cullen's book, it is said that 'Chinchona Bark' or 'quinine' can cure malaria fever.
Hahnemann was not quite convinced with this explaination and decided to test the drug on himself. To his suprise, he found that he developed typical symptoms of malaria which vanished when he stopped taking the drug.
He repeated his experiment with other drugs and found out the same result. He wondered if ' the drug could produce typical symptoms in a healthy person and cure a patient with the same symptoms ?
He repeated this proving for 6 years and recorded his research and observation in detail and propounded the doctrine of ' Similar Similibus Curentur' or let likes be trated by likes or in Malay 'Persamaan dan Persamaan Menyembuahkan' atau 'keserasian'
Yes, Hahnemann tried out his law of similarity in clinical cases and found out to be very effective.
Law of Potentisation
Another observation Hahnemann made was that when several medicines were given in such concentrated doses, that they proved to be afatal at times. Son he began diluting into micro doses of drugs. The more dilute the medicine, the more potent it became !
These dilutions with minute amount of active compound were capable of producing unimaginable physical and mental changes in humans, changes that had not been noticed before ! At the same time, there were no harmful side effects and very often obviated even the need for surgery. Thus by 'diluting' which he termed succussion, he propounded the Law of potentisation.
The law of Similars and the Law of Potentisation are the two unique features of homeopathy.
Thus we can say that homeopathy was established as a system of medicine - simple, nonviolent, truly human, natural and friendly.
Homeopathic Holistic Approach of Treatment

Approach - Holistic Way
A commonly prevalent misconception about homeopathy is that it is slow acting and therefore not effective in acute ailments. Quite the contrary ! If the disease symptoms indicate the correct remedy, homeopathy can cure the most serious of ailments and bring the patient back virtually from jaws of death and that too fast.
Diseases that responded well with homeopathy
Chronic Diseases such as Migrine, Gastric, Stroke, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Fibroid, Renal Failure, Brain Tomour, Blood Clot, Hepatitis, Gout, Arthritis, Azoopsermia,. Low Sperm Count, Impotence,Stammering, Tonsilitis, Infertility, acne, sinusitis ( resdung), allergic, etc
Children Diseases
slow development, cannot walk, cannot talk, no appetite, worms, alway vomiting,
voting after eating or drinkng, always feverish state, heart problem, bed wetting, cramp, colic pain, stomch pain, alway headache, chronic constipation, etc
Women Diseases
Menses problem, endometrosis, painful period, long lasting period, lost of period, absent of period - amenorrhoea, lost of sexual desire - frigidity, dryness of vagina, flatus of vagina, infertility ( no children), fibroid, cycst, nodule, migraine, mental problem, brittle nail, dengue, etc
Malaysian Homeopathic Diary 1984-2008
Malaysian Homeopathic Diary
1984 : Year of establishment
1985 : Approved and gazzetted by The Parliment of Malaysia - 5 camp site for free treatment - Organised 2 national seminars on homeopathy.
1986 : Started recruting members - Organised 10 camps site for free treatment for village people arounf Kelantan State.
1987 : Sent 4 memebrs of MRHP Medical Team to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
1988 : Sent 11 members of MRHP Medical Team to nakorn Si Thamarat, Thailand worst flood disaster.
1989 : Organised The International Congress on Homeopathy attended by 250 delegates from all over the world.
1990 : Two of MRHP memebrs sent to India to attend the Conference on Drug Addict & Homeopathic Approach.
1991 : Started a free homeopathic hospital at Kg Chicha, Kota Bharu.
1992 : Sent 3 mebers of MRHP to Sri Lanka and also gave free treatment to poors at Welliwata Bridge.
1993 : Organised a national seminar at local universities.
1994 : MRHP general assembaly meeting
1995 : Conducting courses on Homeopathy for public
1996 : Gave lectures at Radio Malaysia & TV's
1997 : 2 of MRHP memebrs were sent to Beijing China to persue the knowledge of Chinese Medicine.
1998 : Organised International Conference On Homeopathy. Attended by 300 delegates all over the world. The Conference was ianugrated by H.H. The Sultan of Kelantan.
1999 : Organised the natioanl Seminar on Homeopathy
2000 : Organised The International Conference on Homeopathy & Complementary Medicine, attended by 350 degelagtes all over the world. Officially opened by The Chief Minister of Kelantan, YAB Tuan Guru Dato Nik Abd Aziz Nik Mat.
2001 : Launched the building project of Homeopathic Complex in Malaysia at Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
2002 : May 7th. Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia Lecturer Hall was official opened by Dr Hajjah Safurah, Timbalan Pengarah, Unit Kesihatan Keluarga, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia at Pasir Mas.
2002 : 8,9 & 10th Sept. , 6th International Conference on Homeopathy & Complementary Medicine at Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Attended by 350 International delegates all over the world.
2002, 8th Sept: 200 International doctors from all over the world were invited to BBQ and Dinner at Faculty New Campus at Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
2003, 10 January: 100 local homeopath attended the 25th national seminar on Homeopathy at Pasir Mas Campus -Themes- Sexs and Homeopathy. In evening Mesyuarat Agong MRHP.
2004 3 May, Official opening of our New Medical Centre at gelang Mas.
2005, 3rd January : 6 homeopathic doctors were sent to Kuala Kedah TSUNAMI Disaster area.
2005, January: 4 MRHP members leaving to Acheh TSUNAMI area Indonesia.
2005, May 15, Committee Meeting - MRHP Malaysia at Fahom Campus
2005, 23-24 sept , CEI 120 km Endurance, FAHOM members has join of our horses for 40km ride.
2005, 6 Nov Fairuz & Badariah Festival at Campus Compound, 1000 guest take part.
2005, 6 Dec - Flood at FAHOM Campus
2005, 11 Dec - 2nd Flood at FAHOM Campus, 2 members of FAHOM visited Bukit Tinggi, Indonesia.
2006: DRTB Malaysian Homeopathic Volunteers served at Cambodia
2006: MRHP sent a group of it memebrs to Earth Quake at Indonesia.
2006: MRHP & FAHOM organized Inetrnational Homeopathic Conference at Genting Highland, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2007 - 2008 More than 100 International Students qualified various courses at our College.
6th Nov 2008 - FAHOM Campus under flood for 5 days.
4 student from Morrocco, Muriatius, India and Kuwait arrived to attend Acupuncture Courses
5th Janury - 7th January 2009 - Second phase of Flood hit our FAHOM Campus for 3 days.
1984 : Year of establishment
1985 : Approved and gazzetted by The Parliment of Malaysia - 5 camp site for free treatment - Organised 2 national seminars on homeopathy.
1986 : Started recruting members - Organised 10 camps site for free treatment for village people arounf Kelantan State.
1987 : Sent 4 memebrs of MRHP Medical Team to Pakistan and Afghanistan.
1988 : Sent 11 members of MRHP Medical Team to nakorn Si Thamarat, Thailand worst flood disaster.
1989 : Organised The International Congress on Homeopathy attended by 250 delegates from all over the world.
1990 : Two of MRHP memebrs sent to India to attend the Conference on Drug Addict & Homeopathic Approach.
1991 : Started a free homeopathic hospital at Kg Chicha, Kota Bharu.
1992 : Sent 3 mebers of MRHP to Sri Lanka and also gave free treatment to poors at Welliwata Bridge.
1993 : Organised a national seminar at local universities.
1994 : MRHP general assembaly meeting
1995 : Conducting courses on Homeopathy for public
1996 : Gave lectures at Radio Malaysia & TV's
1997 : 2 of MRHP memebrs were sent to Beijing China to persue the knowledge of Chinese Medicine.
1998 : Organised International Conference On Homeopathy. Attended by 300 delegates all over the world. The Conference was ianugrated by H.H. The Sultan of Kelantan.
1999 : Organised the natioanl Seminar on Homeopathy
2000 : Organised The International Conference on Homeopathy & Complementary Medicine, attended by 350 degelagtes all over the world. Officially opened by The Chief Minister of Kelantan, YAB Tuan Guru Dato Nik Abd Aziz Nik Mat.
2001 : Launched the building project of Homeopathic Complex in Malaysia at Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
2002 : May 7th. Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia Lecturer Hall was official opened by Dr Hajjah Safurah, Timbalan Pengarah, Unit Kesihatan Keluarga, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia at Pasir Mas.
2002 : 8,9 & 10th Sept. , 6th International Conference on Homeopathy & Complementary Medicine at Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Attended by 350 International delegates all over the world.
2002, 8th Sept: 200 International doctors from all over the world were invited to BBQ and Dinner at Faculty New Campus at Pasir Mas, Kelantan.
2003, 10 January: 100 local homeopath attended the 25th national seminar on Homeopathy at Pasir Mas Campus -Themes- Sexs and Homeopathy. In evening Mesyuarat Agong MRHP.
2004 3 May, Official opening of our New Medical Centre at gelang Mas.
2005, 3rd January : 6 homeopathic doctors were sent to Kuala Kedah TSUNAMI Disaster area.
2005, January: 4 MRHP members leaving to Acheh TSUNAMI area Indonesia.
2005, May 15, Committee Meeting - MRHP Malaysia at Fahom Campus
2005, 23-24 sept , CEI 120 km Endurance, FAHOM members has join of our horses for 40km ride.
2005, 6 Nov Fairuz & Badariah Festival at Campus Compound, 1000 guest take part.
2005, 6 Dec - Flood at FAHOM Campus
2005, 11 Dec - 2nd Flood at FAHOM Campus, 2 members of FAHOM visited Bukit Tinggi, Indonesia.
2006: DRTB Malaysian Homeopathic Volunteers served at Cambodia
2006: MRHP sent a group of it memebrs to Earth Quake at Indonesia.
2006: MRHP & FAHOM organized Inetrnational Homeopathic Conference at Genting Highland, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2007 - 2008 More than 100 International Students qualified various courses at our College.
6th Nov 2008 - FAHOM Campus under flood for 5 days.
4 student from Morrocco, Muriatius, India and Kuwait arrived to attend Acupuncture Courses
5th Janury - 7th January 2009 - Second phase of Flood hit our FAHOM Campus for 3 days.
People and VIP Who Contribute Toward The Development of Homeopathy In Malaysia

Photos: His Royal Highness, The Sultan Of kelantan Darulnaim ( Our KIng ) at The Opening of International Homeopathgic Conference at Kelantan year 2000
Those Who Has Contributed to the Development of MRHP and Homeopathy In Malaysia
From Malaysia:
His Highness The Sultan of Kelantan & Raja Perempuan Kelantan.
Tuan Guru Dato Haji Nik Abd Aziz Nik Mat (Menteri Besar Kelantan )
Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan Darulnaim, Dato Dr(H) Abd Halim Abd Rahman.
Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar ( The Founder & President of MRHP Homeopathy Malaysia ), YBM Tengku Ahmad Rithaudeen ( Ex Minister of Defence Malaysia ), YAB Dato Mohammad Haji Yaakob ( Ex Chief Minister of Kelantan )., Tan Sri Muhyideen Yassin ( Ex Chief Minister of Johor )., Drs Sulaiman Mohammad ( Ex Minster in PM Department )., Her Highness Ex Raja Permaisuri Agong Siti Aishah. etc
From Oversea:
Prof Dr Jugal Kishore ( India )., Dr A.K Seth (India ), Dr Khalid Masood ( Pakistan ), Dr Abdur Rehman (Pakistan ), Prof Dr Sajjad hassan Khan (Pakistan ), Dr Azhar (Pakistan ), Dr M.A.Latiff (Sri Lanka ), Dr.Parimal Banerji ( Calcutta-India), Dr Santana Mukherjee (India), Dr P. Panday (India ), Dr. Vimla Gupta (India ), Dr K.P.Muzumbar (India)., Dr Girish Gupta ( Lucknow ), Dr Agrawal ( Delhi )., Dr Sahni B.S ( Bombay)., DrJawahar J. Shah (Bombay )., Prof Dr Sir Toradebella (Spain ) Prof Dr Sir Anton Jayasuriya ( Sri Lanka), Dr Jeff Nigel (USA), Dr M.A Quader (Bangladesh ), Dr Bansal V.P., etc
What Other Says About Homeopathy Malaysia
What Other Says About Us
1. I am indeed happy to note that this is the fifth time Malaysia has been given the honour to host a reutable international conference on complementary medicine. It thus reflects the confidence of member countries in the ability of the research Institute of Medical Acupuncture and The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia to organize this event. I wish the conference great success.
-Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi
Prime Minister of Malaysia.
2. We wish you all the best in your deliberation in the up coming Millennium World Congress of Holistic Health Science.
-Dr Rober J.Kim-Barley
WHO Representative to India
3. Dr Nik Omar does not fit the stereotype of the dedicated healer quitely pioneering his art. He is too bullish. Both his colleagues and his rivals acknowledge his tremendous energy. All recognise that he, more than anyone, is responsible fro raising the medicine's profile in Malaysia. Dr Nik Omar has written hundreds of articles about his works.
- Alison Nadel, A British Journalist.
4. Prof Dr Nik Omar is a practitioner of alternative medicine and he heads what is, perhaps, the biggest and only homeopathic college in Malaysia.
- Cindy Tham, The Sunday Newspaper
1. I am indeed happy to note that this is the fifth time Malaysia has been given the honour to host a reutable international conference on complementary medicine. It thus reflects the confidence of member countries in the ability of the research Institute of Medical Acupuncture and The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia to organize this event. I wish the conference great success.
-Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi
Prime Minister of Malaysia.
2. We wish you all the best in your deliberation in the up coming Millennium World Congress of Holistic Health Science.
-Dr Rober J.Kim-Barley
WHO Representative to India
3. Dr Nik Omar does not fit the stereotype of the dedicated healer quitely pioneering his art. He is too bullish. Both his colleagues and his rivals acknowledge his tremendous energy. All recognise that he, more than anyone, is responsible fro raising the medicine's profile in Malaysia. Dr Nik Omar has written hundreds of articles about his works.
- Alison Nadel, A British Journalist.
4. Prof Dr Nik Omar is a practitioner of alternative medicine and he heads what is, perhaps, the biggest and only homeopathic college in Malaysia.
- Cindy Tham, The Sunday Newspaper
Brief Histroy of Homeopathic Medical Practitioner Association of Malaysia - MRHP

History of MRHP Malaysia
In 1970 Mr Nik Omar went to Pakistan and studied at Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Lahore and graduated in 1975. He went to London and admited at London Foot Hospital, School of Chiropody, Fitzroy Square London. In evening he practiced Homeopathy at Kilburn High Street London and in 1977 he came back to Malaysia, started his first modern homeopathic clinic at Kota Bharu. In 1979 he started the first school of homeopathy by the name of The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia. With seven students in 1979, up till now 2008 the Faculty graduates turns to be more than 3000 student coming all over the world.
In 1984 Dr Nik Omar founded the first National Homeopathic Organization by the name of 'The Registered Homeopathic Medical Practitioners Association - MRHP. This oraganization was gazzetted by Malaysian Parliment No.1048/84 on July 23, 1985.
Thus it become the first and the most active homeopathic organization in Malaysia. Up till now MRHP has never stop spreading homeopathy in Malaysia and worldwide.
Under the leadership of Prof Dr Sir Nik Omar, MRHP has a proud record of the most active homeopathic organization in Malaysia.
Uptill now ear 2008, MRHP has organized 30 National Seminar and 6 International Conference on Homeopathy in Malaysia.
Our Charity Works
Visit Our College
The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia
The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia is the most active college in Asean Region to promote and spread homeopathic system of medicine among the Malaysian and also worldwide.
Within a short period of time The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia has done a lot to upgrade homeopathy in the region. Including Homeopathy in Brunei and Homeopathy In Singapore.
The services that the members of Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia has rendered to the suffering humanity internationally such as in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Malaysia itself are indeed credible.
All credit goes to Prof Dr Nik Omar, the founder leader of Homeopathy in Malaysia.
General Concepts of Homeopathic Phramacopeia - How Homeopathic Medicine Were Produced
Photos: Prof Dr Nik Omar capacity as Vice President of Intentional Homeopathic Organisation has inspected one of the Homeopathic Phramaceutical Companyy at Masood Homeopathic Stores and Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan.
It is one of the leading Homeopathic manufacturing Plants in Asia with Excellent GMP certificate.
General Concepts of Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia
Department of Pharmacy, The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia
Unit of Strength of Homeopathic Medicines
The German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia sometime holds to the hahnemanian methods, i.e. one-hundred drug strength but often deviates from many other methods and categories of preparation. The drug strength differs from class to class. The HPUSA has preferably adopted the uniform of one-tenth drug strength except in cases of a few drugs.
In order to obtained the uniform one-tenth drug strength of tinctures, the HPUSA has taken a dried drug as the unit, i.e. one gramme of drug in ten millitres of tincture. In the preparatin of mother tincture made from fresh plants, the plant moisture is taken into consideration when calculating the one-tenth drug strength. The HPI accept the new methos of HPUSA in the preparation of tinctures except in cases of poisonous chemicals, venom, etc.
Homeopathic Medicine
As per homoeopathic philosophy and concept, a substance can be or can become a homeopathic remedy only after the pharmacist has processed the crude product on nature in accordance with homeopathic technique in order to develop its inherent properties and to make its medicinal properties ready to use.
Method of Procuring Medical Substances
Vegetable substances: All vegetable and animal product are to be collected fresh as far as possible and must be obtained from a reputed and reliable source either foreign or local, but preferably in their natural formal state and proper indentification shall be carried out before using them.
General Treatment of Dried Plants
After their collection they should be carefully dried by tying them in loose bundies, and hanging them in shade, protected from sun, rain, dust, etc. Drying in oven must be avoided.
Odorous substances are to be kept in separate vessels so that peculiar odour of such drugs may not be transmitted to other drugs. They need gentle drying or preferably preparation in their fresh state.
Animal Substance : These substances, e.g. Naja Trip., Crot Horr., Apis, Canthris, Blatta Oreint.etc should be collected from healthy animal specimen.
Mineral and Chemical Compounds: Indentity, purity and specification must comply with those laid down in monographs.
Indonderabilia: Energy available form physical and narural sourses, e.g. magnetism, electricity, luna, Infrared Ray, X-Ray, radium, etc are also utilised in preparing some homeopathic drugs.
Nosodes: Nosodes are disease tissue-product or excreation of living organisms ( .e. plants and animals ) and bacterial or viral products. They should be collected aseptically and in their most virulent form.
Sarcodes: sarcodes are healthy tissue-product or secretions of living organism, i.e. plants or animals. Collect them avoiding contamination including with associated tissues and secretions.
Allersodes: These are preparation from allergens are processed like noseds.
Isodes: These are prepartion from excipients and are triturated like chemicals.
General Method of Preparation of Homeopathic Medicine
1. Mother Tincture: From original substances, either plants, vegetables, animal, nosodes, sarcodes, mineral, etc. in 'Q' form
2. Solutions: Either purified water - aqueous solution. There are substances which are soluble in water and not alcohol. And also alcohol.
The alcohol are being used where the preparation containing the indredients of the drugs which are soluble in alcohol, normally with the one-tenth of drug strength.
3. Maceration: Maceration process is used in such cases where the homeopathic drug material requires ample maipulation for the extraction of medicinal properties. Gummy and mucilaginous substances and those having much viscid juice which do not allow alcohol to permeate the mass readily in the process of percolation are macerated.
4. Percolation: This method is adopted for the extraction of dried drugs, dry vegetable substances and other organis ( animal) substances. Reduce them to powder form according to one of the grades of fineness specified.
5. Potentisation: Is a special method in homeopathic practice where by the preparation of potencies of liquid drug substances there scales are generally used i.e. (i) Decimal Scale (ii) Centesimal Scale.
6. Decimal Scale: The decimal scale is based on the principle that the first potency should contain one-tenth part of the original drug and each succeeding potency should contain on-tenth part of the potency preceding. This scale was introduce by Dr Hering and is denoted by suffixing the letter "x" to the number. Example 1x, 3x, 6x, 12, 30x.
7. Centesimal Scale: The scale was first introduce by Dr Samuel Hahnemann and is considered as the classical method where by the first potency should contain one-hundredth part of the original drug and each succeeding potency should contain one-hundredth part of the potency preceding it.
The scale id denoted by suffixing "C' to the number indicating the potency. In practice it may also be denoted by simple numberical with no suffix such as
1, 3, 30, 200, 1000, etc.
7. Trituration : The object of trituration is to reduce the drug to the finest possible powder as well as to energise it. Whether a trituration is prepared manually or by a machine, the following process is adopted.
Take one part by weight of the crude drug and one part by weight of Milk Sugar in coarse powder. Mix the two for a moment and then rub the mixture throughly for six minutes. After six minutes scrape the pestle and mortar with a spatula to that nothing adheres to the sides of the mortar or to the pestle, stir the mixture for a total time of four minutes. Then again rub the mixture with pestle for six minutes and stir for four minutes. Now add 3 part by weight sugar of milk and repeat the processes of rubbing and stirring.
Then add 5 part by weight sugar of milk and repeat the processes of rubbing and stirring. At the end of this process we get 1X potency of the homeopathic medicine.
8. Conversion of Trituration into Liquid potencies.
Disolve one part by weight of the 6X trituration in fifty parts by volume of purified water to which fifty parts by volume of dispensing alcohol is added. Give 10 succussion to the liquid mixture. The no. 7X dilution from 6x trituration is not possible.
The first potency prepared from 6x trituration is 8x (4c). Subsequent potencies may be prepared either in the decimal or centesimal scale in the usual manner but in preparing the first potency from 8x potency use dilute alcohol, 9x and higher are made in dispensing alcohol.
First Aid In Homeopathy

First Aid In Homeopathy-------------------------------------------
Name of Disease | Name of Homeo Remedies
Abdominal Pain- Mang. Phos., Bitter Cucumber, Colonth
Anal Itching - Verbascum, Cina, Sulp
asthma - cuprum Met. Blatta O., Yerba Santa
Chicken Pox - Kali Mur, Puls., Puls, Variol
Common Cold - Allium Cepa, Aconite., Drosera
Conjunctivitis - Bell., Apis, Euprasia, Cham
Cough- Cuprum Met., Ant Tart., Phos, Calc carb
Cramp of Leg - Cup Met., Strych, Nat Sulp
Dandruff - Kali Sulph., Ars Alb, Graph
Diarrhoea - Pulsatilla, Ars.Alb., Aloe, Podo.
Earache - Bell., Cham., ferr Pic, Acon
Fever - Aconite Nap., Belladonna, Arnica, Gels
Gas In Tummy - Senna, Carbo Veg, Nux Vom
Headache - Aconite, Belldonna, Chamomilla.
Hoccough - Aconite., Nux Vom, Cinnamonum
Horseness of Voice - Aconite, Solanum Xanth.
Impotence - Nux Vom. Lyco, Turnera, Ac P
Insect Bites - Apis, Bell, Ledum
Lice - stavesacre, Rose Laurel
Measles - Morbilinum, Puls. acon.
Menses - delayed - Sheherp, Sepia
Menses - painful - cham., Bell., Puls.
Menses Scanty - High Cranberry, Sepia
menses profuse - Ficus Relgiosa, Sepia
Piles - Collisonia, Nux Vom
Piles Bleeding - Hamemalis, Acon.
Piles Painful - Negundian, collosonia
Pregenancy & Vomiting - Lac Vac, Symafargus Race
Premature Ejuculation- Acid Phos., seln. Acon
renal Colic - bebberis Vulg., Lyco.
Rheumatism - China Off., Colchicum
Running Nose - Aconite, Solanum Lyco, Allimum Cepa
Sneezing- Gelsemium, Dulcamara, Drosera
Stye - Stram., Puls.
Ulcer Mouth - Acid Nit., Borax
All homeopathic medicines must be taken with supervision of a qualified homeopathic practitioners. No self prescription are allowed !!
Must be accroding to Law of Similars - Similar Similibus Curentur.
Homeopathic Course at Our Faculty

Special Programme For Full Time Student - 4 Years BHMS
For Local malaysian Only
Our course studies is based on the original, single remedy cocept of our founder, Samuel Hahnemann from Germany. This means, you can discover the best innovative method of learning homeopathy that suits you best.
Our college is not a conventional university, where everything must be fast, stress and tension. But our concept of learning is natural and friendly.
Your studies are very flexible. You can study when it suits you, take as long as you like and join practical training when you have free time.
Full Time Student 4 Years BHMS
Bachelor Homeopathic Medical System
Entry Qualification : SPM / SMU / A Level
Minimum Age : 18 years above
Eligibility : Malaysias Only
Sex: Male or Female
Medium of Lecture : English and Malay
Subject of Teaching : As above
Intake of Student : Year 2009-2012 is open now
( You may register Now )
No of student intake yearly : 50 students
Duration of Course : 4 years ( 8 semesters )
Hostel : Separate for girls and boys
Course fee yearly : RM 6,0000 ( 1 semesters )
2 Semester = 12 months RM 12,000.00 ( US 3260)
Distance Learning & Short Courses
Fee RM$ 5,500 per year
4 Years : RM 20,000.00
Hostel : RM 300.00 [ full time student only]
Hostel : Daily basis RM 20 per day.
Chalet With Aircond: RM 65 per day
Chalet Without Aircond: RM 40 daily
Food : About RM 300 - 400 per month
Books & Reading Material RM 100.00
Certification : After graduation, student will get 2 certificate i.e. Homeopathy & Acupuncture
Method of Learning: Open University Style, free and leasure
Place of Study : FAHOM & HOSNO New Campus, No.122 Taman University, Kampong Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia.
Director : Prof Dr Nik Omar
Registrar FAHOM: H/Dr Mrs Hajjah Zaharah Loman
Registrar RIMAc: Mr Nik Fairuz Hakim
Dean's : Prof Mohd Nasir Mohd Zain
Question: Do Homeopathy recognised in Malaysia ?
Answer : Yes ! - since Nov 2000
Question: Does your college registered ?
Answer: Yes our academy is registered with ROC registration No: KT 035017-H
Question: Does homeopathy recognised by government ?
Answer: Government only patronised allopathic school only.
Homeopathy recognised under Ministry of Health Act 1971 section 34.
Question: After qualified BHMS from your college, can we work in Government Hospital ?
Answer : No ! We cannot gurarantee such thing. Once qualified as hmeopath from our college, you may join any private medical centre or set up your oqn homeopathic clinic.
Question : Then what is the purpose of studying homeopathy ?
Answer : To develop, promote and practised natural form of treatment or alternative medicine. Some wants to be an entrepreneur.
Question: Does Homeopathy recognised worldwide ?
Answer: Some countries do recognised homeopathy long time ago and some do not recognised.
Question : What is the scope of homeopathy in future ?
Answer : A very good scope in future only if your are good and sincere in your services.
Question: Is there any homepath who has become millionaire in this field ?
Answer : Many - In Malaysia as far as we know only two guys
Our Advise:
"If you wish to study homeopathy, you will do it yourself, develop it and you can become a successful businessman "
Study Homeopathy In Unique Setting
Any Homeopathic College & Medical Centre with a unique surronding ?
About 50 years ago the present ground of 11.5 acres were more than abandoned paddy field, rubber tress and shrubby forest. Since 1998 Prof Dr Nik Omar and his collegues of nature lovers from The Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia have natured the forest back to life into a serene and holistic Natural Health centre which is based on the concept of pen International University for Complementary Medicine.
Today RIMAC and FAHOM at Taman University, gelang Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia has a world wide reputation as a Centre of Excellent Natural Holistic and Complementary Studies which include Homeopathic Medicine, Oriental Medicine - Classical Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Cupping, etc which attach a University College Teaching Hospital, where all facilities are available at our centre such as teaching colleges, chalet, dorminotories, IT Internet, WiFi for student and tuorist alike.
This lowland paddy field, rich with plethora of flora and afuna of kampong is enhanced by the unique atmosphere of quite serenity and peace will certainly to calm your heart as you visit this centre.
A variety of facilities such as resting huts,. gazebos, fish pond, fruit farms, herbarium, chalets, hostel, horse farm are provided for your comfort.
This is the only TCM Alternative/ Complementary Medical Centre and Resort of it kind in Malaysia.
Some Tourist Attraction nearby
When someone mentions Pulau Perhentian or Pulau Redang [islands] off Kelantan Coast in Trengganu, vision of fine sandy beaches, beautiful corals and rainforest easily come to mind.
However, set among this magnificent famous holiday destination is just 40 minutes drive from Tok Bali, is one of Malaysian's finest Homeopathic Institution of higher learning and Homeopathic Medical centre - Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Nik Omar at a typical Kelantanese village of Kg Gelang Mas, Pasir Mas, Kelantan, Malaysia just 30 minutes drive from Kota Bharu, the capital city of Kelantan State.
Faculty of Homeopathy Malaysia is full accredited institution by Board of FAHOM Homeopathy , MRHP Homeopathy Malaysia and Homeopathic Medical Council [Umberella body of TCM under Ministry of Health Malaysia ]
Many of practising homeopath in Malaysia, Sarawak, Sabah, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei are graduate of our Faculty.
In fact many Middle East and European homeopath and acupuncturist are furthering their alternative medical studies in this Institution.....
If you have free time, please come and visit us.
You are most welcome.
The Kelantanese welcome you with ' Sele-kan...'
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