Friday, January 21, 2011

Gall Sone and It Treatment in Homeopathy

What are gallstones?

Gallstones (often misspelled gall stones, or gall stone) are stones that form in the gall (bile). (The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ just below the liver and stores the bile secreted by the liver.)

* Bile is a watery liquid made by the cells of the liver that is important for digesting food in the intestine, particularly fat.

* Liver cells secrete the bile they make into small canals within the liver.

* The bile flows through the canals and into larger collecting ducts within the liver (the intrahepatic bile ducts).

* The bile then flows within the intrahepatic bile ducts out of the liver and into the extrahepatic bile ducts-first into the hepatic bile ducts, then into the common hepatic duct, and finally into the common bile duct.

What Are The symptom of Gallstone

Some people have no signs or symptoms and are unaware of their gallstones. (The gallstones are "silent.") Their gallstones often are found as a result of tests (for example, ultrasound or X-ray examination of the abdomen) performed while evaluating medical conditions other than gallstones. Symptoms can appear later in life, however, after many years without symptoms. Thus, over a period of five years, approximately 10% of people with silent gallstones will develop symptoms. Once symptoms develop, they are likely to continue and often will worsen.

Gallstones are blamed for many symptoms they do not cause. Among the symptoms gallstones do not cause are:

* dyspepsia (including abdominal bloating and discomfort after eating),

* intolerance to fatty foods,

* belching, and

* flatulence (passing gas or farting).

When signs and symptoms of gallstones occur, they virtually always occur because the gallstones obstruct the bile ducts.

The most common symptom of gallstones is biliary colic. Biliary colic is a very specific type of pain, occurring as the primary or only symptom in 80% of people with gallstones who develop symptoms. Biliary colic occurs when the extrahepatic ducts-cystic, hepatic or common bile-are suddenly blocked by a gallstone. (Slowly-progressing obstruction, as from a tumor, does not cause biliary colic.) Behind the obstruction, fluid accumulates and distends the ducts and gallbladder. In the case of hepatic or common bile duct obstruction, this is due to continued secretion of bile by the liver. In the case of cystic duct obstruction, the wall of the gallbladder secretes fluid into the gallbladder. It is the distention of the ducts or gallbladder that causes biliary colic.

Homeopathic Treatment

There are not less than 50 remedies in homeopathy to treat gall stone . If your symptoms match with the selection of homeopathic remedies according to similimum, than gall stone will be removed within few weeks of taking homeopathic medication, but if the stone are large and the pain still there, operation or surgery is a must.

Batu Di Hempedu

Boleh dirawat secara homeopathy dengan memakan ubat-ubat yang serasi. Jika batu tersebut masih belum menegras, ia akan hanyur semula. Batu hempedu semacam, batu karang dilaut. Di dalam empedu dia masih lembut, tetapi bila dileuarkan ia akan mengeras semacam batu pasir.

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