Saturday, May 14, 2011

Homeopathy The Natural Medicine

Homeopathy Remedy

¤ Another Branch of Medicines

Homeopathy Remedy The average library has more books on homeopathy than any other branch of alternative medicine and it is astonishing to find that even the smallest of the street pharmacies seem to stock a basic range of homeopathic remedies.

Dr. Dana Ullman, founder president of the Foundation for Homeopathic Education and Research, in his book, " Homeopathy-Medicine of the 21st century" has outlined the growing popularity of homeopathy. Conventional drugs are usually prescribed in individual capacities to act upon specific parts of the body, so it follows that several different drugs might be prescribed to treat the various symptoms of one individual. Homeopathic medicine offers an alternative .

¤ Single Medicine Concept

Instead of giving one medicine for a person’s headache, another for his constipation, another for his irritability and yet another to counteract the effects of one or more the medicines, the homeopathic physician prescribes a single medicine at a time that will stimulate the person’s immune and defense capacity and bring about an overall improvement in that person’s health The procedure by which the homeopath finds the precise individual substance is the very science and arts of homeopathy.

¤ Working of Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like healing like " ( Simile Similibus Curentur); homeopathy believes that a sick person’s symptom are sings of the body’s battle against illness and they try to stimulate, rather than suppress his reaction.
A homeopathic remedy is given to cure a set of symptoms in a sick person, which it would cause in a healthy person. The treatment was discovered some 200 years ago by a German doctor, Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, who found when he took a dose of quinine.
It made him feverish, gave him the symptoms he would have expected to get if he had contracted malaria, then very common. It is the very same principle that was discovered at around the same time in Britain by Dr. Edward Jenner, who proved ture the old wives’ tale about cowpox protecting against smallpox. He went on to develop the vaccine that made his name in history and which eradicated the disease world wide.
Hahnemann pursued the principle in different direction and found that if the strength of a homeopathic remedy were diluted, its effect was improved.

Homeopathic medicine is a natural pharmaceutical system that utilises microdoses of substances from the plant, mineral and animal kingdom to arouse a person's natural healing substances from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms to arouse a person’s natural healing response.
Homeopathy is a sophisticated method of individualising small doses of medicine in order to initiate that healing response. Unlike conventional drugs, which act primarily by having by having direct effect upon physiological process related to a person’s symptoms’ homeopathic medicines are, thought to work by stimulating the person’s immune system, which raises his or her overall level of health thereby enabling him or her to re-establish health and prevent disease.

¤ More Inclination Towards Homeopathy

Homeopathy RemedyAs people develop greater understanding and respect for the body’s immune system, homeopathy will gain polarity as a primary pharmacological means to stimulate immune response.
Those convenient medical therapies that primarily treat and suppress symptoms will be accepted for their valuable role in health care, but not necessarily as a first course of treatment.
Homeopaths have found clinical experience that their medicines often replace conventional drugs and eliminate the need for heroic procedures. Ideally, homeopaths are taking the best of the natural science to create a kind of care that will be commonplace in future.

One of the most common misconceptions about homeopathy is that it relies on intuitive relationships between patient and healer. In reality, it depends on acute powers of observation rather than any mystical process.
Even a skeptical Edelman agrees that Homeopathy is an unorthodox but no longer crazy way to perform immunotherapy. By homeopathy any ailment, acute or chronic, local or general can be treated except diseases where surgery is unavoidable. Even in cases of enlarged tonsils, kidney stones, warts, piles, homeopathy has received accolades. Moreover good homeopathic prescribing has made many operation unnecessary.

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