Tuesday, October 9, 2007


China (Chin off) is also known as cinchona. It was the very first remedy in the homeopathic pharmacy. It was created from the bark of the Cinchona officinalis. a bark from which the allopathic medicine quinine is also take. The substance, which was know for centuries for its medicinal qualities, was named Kina-Kina, or "bark of barks," by the natives of Peru. China was created by Samuel Hahnemann. This remedy is used for fevers of all sorts, influenza, and respiratory infections of all sorts, coughs. Also colic: constipation and diarrhea, hemorrhoids, headache, vertigo tinnitus and menieres disease, deafness, rheumatism, hip pain, backache. Also food poisoning and indigestion, suffocation, acute asthma, home recovery from strokes, sleep disorders. Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferrum phos) is taken from the chemical compound of iron and phosphoric acid. Ferrum Phos is very helpful in treating problems with the blood, like anemia, and with the circulatory system as a whole. It aids fevers, colds, coughs, flu, croup, sore throat, vomiting and whooping cough. Also good for injuries, sprains, rheumatism and gastritis, dyspepsia, diarrhea and frostbite. This remedy was first proved as a homeopathic by J.C. Morgan in 1876 but was refined by Schussler. Directions: Take 10 drops in a little water or under the tongue 3 times daily. May be taken up to 8 times daily in acute cases. Take in smaller doses more often, rather than larger doses less often.Suitable for age groups. A mild formula that will not interact with other medications. Safe for adults and children.

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